Senigallia - Senigallia

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Senigallia is a Italian Seaside resort and a city on the Adriatic. It belongs to the province Ancona in the region Brands.


The city was built on an arch of the Misa River, in the immediate vicinity of its confluence with the sea.

The place was important in ancient times. Sena, as it was still called at that time, was a capital of the Senones (an immigrant Celtic (Gallic) tribe). The place was conquered by Rome, and in 283 BC. To the Roman colony. The Romans gave the place the name Sena Gallica because of its location in ager Gallicus, which over time changed into Senagallia.

Between the 15th and 19th centuries it was a much-visited trade fair city. In the course of the 19th century, tourism became more and more important as it was possible to establish itself as a seaside resort. The city owns with the La spiaggia di velluto with its 13 kilometers length the largest sandy beach in the Marche region.

getting there

By plane

The airport (Aeroporto) "Raffaello Sanzio" of Falconara Marittima is about 15 kilometers away.

By train

The railway line along the Adriatic Sea from Rimini to Ancona runs right through the center, where the 1 railway station is located.

In the street

The A14 / E55 motorway passes inland less than 2 kilometers from the city, where the Senigallia exit is also located. The main road SS. 16 (adriatica), which runs parallel to the Adriatic coast, runs right through the city.

By boat

The city has its own marina, which can accommodate around 350 boats.


Map of Senigallia

Tourist Attractions

The old town is separated from the sandy beach with its hotel zone and promenade by the railway line.

  • The Waterfront runs along the two beaches Spiaggia Levante and Spiaggia Ponente. It is lined with tamarisks and, together with the many bathing establishments, shapes the image of the city. Here you can also find one or the other beautiful villa from the early days of the seaside resort.
  • At the Piazza della Libertà leads a Pier into the sea, which on the 1 Rotonda a Mare ends.
  • The old town itself does not have a particularly important sight, but a stroll through the traffic-calmed streets is recommended.
  • This is located on the north-eastern outskirts of the old town 2 Rocca Roveresca. The renaissance fortress of Della Rovere was built around 1480. The fortress can be visited and is accessed via a bridge from Piazza del Duca.
Opening times: Tue-Sun 8.30am-7.30pm
  • On the sprawling Piazza del Duca stands the Fontana dei Leoni. The fountain was built in 1596. Opposite the castle is the 3 Palazzetto BavieraDucal Palace (Baviera Palace) from the 16th century, while north next to the castle is the Foro Annoario is located. The market is held in the colonnade building built in 1831 in a three-quarter circle, which is kept in the style of revolutionary architecture.
  • The 4 Cattedrale di San PietroDom the city is located on the Piazza Garibaldi.
  • Palazzo Vescoli. The diocesan museum is housed in the palazzo.
  • Birthplace of Pope Pius IX, Via Mastai, 14. Open: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m., closed on public holidays.
  • Portici Ercolani arcades. The arcades of the Portici Ercolani, which were built in the 18th century for the fair, lead along the river.
  • Museo di Storia della Mezzadria Sergio Anselmi, Piazzale delle Grazie, 2. Open: Tue - Sun 8.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m., Thu Fr also 6.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m., Mon closed.
  • Santa Maria dell Grazie Monastery. The monastery is located about 3 kilometers west of the city inland. It has a very fine altarpiece by Perugino.


That takes place every summer Summerjamboree instead, a huge eight day rock 'n roll festival


  • The pedestrian zone of Corso II Giugno is the center of commerce.
  • Thursday is market day. Market stalls selling clothes, shoes, housewares, leather goods, accessories, textiles, etc. can be found throughout the city.
  • Fiera di Sant’Agostino is the largest market of all. Around 500 stalls in the old town. Open 4 days (from August 27th to 30th) from morning to midnight.
There is trading, shopping, eating, meeting friends .......






Practical advice

  • I.A.T. - Ufficio Informazioni Accoglienza Turistica, Palazzo del Turismo, Piazzale Morandi 2. Tel.: 39 071 7922725, Email: .



Web links

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