Sentiero del Viandante (Lierna) - Sentiero del Viandante (Lierna)

Sentiero del Viandante is an ancient route that develops in Lombardy on Lake Como.


The road of the Wayfarer is an ancient road nestled in the great Lombard mountains on one side and the shores of Lake Como on the other, with an exceptional view of both the surface of the water and some of the most beautiful places at all times offers beautiful alpine reliefs.Today, the Sentiero del Viandante starts from the ancient Roman village of Lierna to get to Colico without stopping, since the Abbadia section was destroyed by the creation of the motorway, through several paths divided into 6 paths that hikers can use on the right side lead way.

The Sentiero del Viandante was also very interesting for world famous people. Indeed, attracted by the paths, the shores and the great peaks of Lake Como, eminent figures from all over the world visit these enchanting places from which they were inspired. Among them is Carlo Amoretti, an eminent Italian naturalist who lived between the 18th and 19th centuries. Attracted by the scenic peculiarities of the route, important historical and artistic personalities came to visit in earlier epochs. Among the many remember genes such as the inventor William Fox Talbot, the theologian Romano Guardini, the writer Mark Twain, the poet William Wordsworth, the writer and poet August Strindberg, the painter JM William Turner, the Nobel Prize for Literature Herman Hesse and Giannino Castiglioni, who lived in an elegant Lierna residence in Borgo Villa.

Alessandro Manzoni tells us about the Sentiero del Viandante when he told us about the arrival of the Lanzichenecchi (German mercenary army, consisting of 28,000 men, destroyers and plagues) in the service of Emperor Ferdinand II von Habsburg by the Duchy of Milan, the siege of Mantua (during the Thirty Years War, autumn 1629). Their way through the countries of the Way is remembered at the end of Chapter XXVIII of Promessi Sposi.

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