Shakhrizabz - Shakhrizabz

Sakhrisabz is a big city Uzbekistan.


Shakhrisabz is the hometown of Temur and everything in Shakhrisabz is related to his name. Temur was born in 1336 in the hoja village of Ilghar, about 13 km south of Shakhrisabz. The name Shakhrisabz is in Tajik and means "green city". The historic center Shahrisabz was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 2000.


Archaeological excavations have found traces of farming communities in the area during the first millennium BC. During the Middle Ages the town was called Kesh. It became important in the 14th century. Temur (Tamerlane) Born in a nearby village and the tribes he overwhelmingly belonged to controlled the city. Temur was governor of Kesh at the age of 25. He defeated the Turkish Sultan Bayezid and the Golden Horde and led victorious campaigns in Iran, the Caucasus, India and Asia Minor. At the height of his power his kingdom stretched from Egypt to Kashgar and its protectorate Kiev and Moscow. Timur created a vast nation Movarounnahr and became its absolute emir. He took his capital Samarkand and Shakhrizabz his second capital.


Shakhrisabz is about 60 km from Samarkand over 1,780 m high of the Takhzakaracha pass. From January to March every year the pass can be closed, which makes a detour of about 3 hours. Taxis share the same place where taxis leave. Samarkand from Suzangaran, about 100m south of Registan marshrutka stop. The cost of a seat in a shared taxi is about 2500 UZS and the travel time is about 90 minutes. Taxi can go to only Kitab, so you have to take another taxi for the last 10 km.

Shakhrisabz is about 280 km from Bukhara through Qarshi (Karhsi). In Bukhara shared taxis again from on Sharq Bus Station east of downtown. The trip takes about 4 hours and costs about 12,000 UZS (2007). Sometimes you will have to change taxis in Qarshi (Karhsi), 120 km from Shakhrizabz.

Traveling in the city




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