Sierra Magina - Sierra Mágina

Sierra Mágina Natural Park
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The Sierra Magina is a natural park in the Andalusian province Jaén. At the same time, the name denotes a district (comarca) this province.


The area of ​​the Sierra Mágina in the south-central area of ​​the province of Jaén extends south of the Guadalquivir Valley and is at its northern foothills about 20 km from Jaén in the east and 30 km from the twin cities Baeza and Úbeda in the north. Foothills and flatter areas are mainly dominated by olive trees, and the region has its own seal of origin. The largely uninhabited area inside, with an area of ​​20 hectares, has been classified as a nature park since 1989 and is home to some rare animal and plant species. It comes up with a few two-thousand-meter peaks, which make the area, which is little advertised as a tourist attraction, but which is still developed, interesting for hikers and mountaineers.


In the 13th to 15th centuries, the Sierra Mágina border area between the Christian and Moorish cultures and, until the final victory of the Christian multitudes, was subject to various influences. Some castles and fortifications still bear witness to these times.

Even then, the area was forgotten about the world, so that many myths and legends from the mixture of these different cultures have survived to this day and are sometimes also cultivated. Paranormal "apparitions" like in the house of Maria Gomez in Bélmez de la Moraleda are often viewed as magical, and archaic customs for driving away ghosts or water supply are still cultivated in villages.


The Sierra Mágina is part of the Cordillera Subbética, the middle mountain belt that always stretches south of the Guadalquivir from the Sierra de Grazalema near Cádiz over the Sierra Subbética south of Cordoba to Jaén.

The chessboard-like olive tree plantations stretch from the foothills to medium altitudes, as can be found everywhere in the province and also characterize rural life. Other important crops are cherry trees and asparagus fields. This is followed by mixed forests, dominated by oaks and bordered on the ground by Mediterranean maquis such as juniper.

In the center of the Sierra, Pico Mágina dominates around the highest mountain (2167 m) the two thousand meter peaks such as the Peña de Jaén, the Cerro Cárceles, Pico Almadén or Miramundos with corresponding views. Limestone erosion has created deep gorges here and some remarkable cave formations as well.

Flora and fauna

Olive groves in the northern part of the Sierra

Golden eagles and peregrine falcons still find a home in the rocky structures of the inner sierra, and ibex can still be seen. Wolves and ospreys, on the other hand, were last seen at the beginning of the century.


In winter, snowfall is not uncommon at high altitudes, and it can last longer there. In summer, the Andalusian heat is at least more moderate here than in the regions near the coast.


is located at the northeastern end of the Sierra Mágina, where the well-developed A-401 connects Úbeda to the south with the Granada-Alméria motorway. The municipality is the administrative center of the district and also clearly the central shunting station for both processing and further transport of local products.
  • 1  Visitor center (Centro Visitantes), C / ALHORÍ S / N. Tel.: 34 670943892, Email: . Exhibition dealing with fauna, flora, formation and opportunities to visit the Sierra Mágina; At the same time, it is the most important information center for tourist assistance in the north of the Sierra.Open: core time 10:00 to 13:00, (during the season also in the evening).
The A-320 leads to the west 1 Bedmar continue after
San Juan Evangelista Church in Mancha Real
2 Jimena is a small, rather cozy mountain village at the north-western end of the Sierra Mágina in the direction of Jaén. There is also one on the ground floor of the historic castle from the 10th century
Tourist Information, C / Audiencia, 5th Jimena. Tel.: 34 953357001.
. The inland Pinar de Cánava offers beautiful hiking opportunities in the foothills, the view over the valley of the Guadalquivir to Baeza and Úbeda is of course also beautiful to see from here.
The JA-3105 leads from here south to 3 Albanchez de Mágina at the foot of the 1,745 m high Aznaitin, a small mountain village where you can still marvel at cave systems and ancient rock paintings. Along this entrance to the Sierra Mágina there are some campsites and holiday apartments, via the continuation of the JA-3107 4 Torres, 5 Pegala jar and 6 Mancha real A small car tour in the northwest of the Sierra can also be realized with short hikes.
Cambil in the south of the Sierra
The southern end of the Sierra Mágina is served by the A-324, that of the A-44 (Granada-Jaén) starting from the A-401 to the east, it connects Úbeda-Almeria. This closes the quadrangle of road connections that encompasses the Sierra Mágina. The road leads over 7 Cambil after 8 Huelma, which already belongs to the southern province of Granada and closes the district to the south. This is located roughly in the middle at the northernmost point between the two places
  • 2  Visitor center (Centro Visitantes Mata-Bejid), 15 km on the A-324. also with a detailed description of the geological conditions as well as the local flora and fauna.Open: core time 10:00 to 14:00, (during the season also in the evening).
  • In the East
the communities are located 9 Bélmez de la Moraleda and 10 Cabra del Santo Cristo,

getting there

by bus

almost all places are on weekdays 2-3 times a day Muṅoz Amezcua approached, once a day on Saturdays. No connection on Sundays and public holidays. AUTOCARES Marcos Muñoz operates the connection from Granada to Huelma in the south at a similar pace.

by train

The small 1 Jodar-Úbeda railway station is about 8 km north of Jodar and 11 km south of Úbeda in an uninhabited area on the Madrid-Linares / Baeza-Almeria route. The only long-distance connection is the Talgo Madrid-Almeria, which stops here. Otherwise reach the MD(middle-distance)-Trains the RENFE in addition to the main connection via a change in Linares, Cordoba, Seville and Granada. Another train station is at Cabra del Santo Cristo. (Taxi Jodar Tel. 34 67 065 7339)

By plane

Internationally, the airports of Malaga or Seville are served. Nationally, the airport of Granada is the closest possible approach.

Fees / permits


Tourist Attractions

Steep village road in the Sierra, here in Bedmar
  • Huelma
    • Well received Fort from renaissance times, which can still be seen as warlike.
    • Parish church Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción, one of the few religious buildings in the region from the 16th century that has been declared a cultural monument, and all of the well-known artists of the time were involved in furnishing.
  • Cabra de Santo Cristo(small mountain village outside the Sierra east of Belmez de la Moraleda)
    • Carretera a Cabra de Sto. the driveway to the village already offers one of the most beautiful views of the eastern sierra
    • Iglesia de Ntra. Sra. de la Expectación, parish church built from 1608 with remarkable paintings of San Marcos, San Mateo, San Lucas and San Juan.
  • Castillo de Bélmez de la Moraleda
  • Jimena
    • Cueva de Graja a short walk from the public sports center leads to the caves with Neolithic rock paintings.
    • Castillo de Jimena important border bulwark against the former Moorish south. In the square main tower, remnants of the organization at that time can still be seen in the event of a siege.
  • Torres
    • Palacio de Marqueses de Camarasa The construction work on this palace with its remarkable Renaissance facade was completed in 1565. It is one of the few examples of local centers of both social life and jurisdiction in the region.
    • Fuenmayor Picnic area on the edge of a hot water spring. Some hiking trails to cross the Sierra end or begin here.
    • Las Cimbras famous climbing wall near the swimming pool (piscina)
At the sources of Fuenmayor
  • Pegala jar
    • There are still cave dwellings in Serrezuela, which are now also marketed as tourist accommodation.
    • Sistemas de charcal-huerta de Pegalajar Gardens preserved from Muslim times with special irrigation systems, but the possibility of preservation is currently on shaky ground


Round trips

There are no roads in the center of the nature park. The Sierra Mágina can only be circumnavigated by car, but that in itself provides beautiful insights. Only on the northwestern foothills does the provincial road J-3220 / J-3221 cross the nature park from Jimena via Albanchez to Torres.

As part of efforts to promote tourism in the Jaén region To develop further, individual themed tours are gradually being set up, such as the "Ruta des Olivas" or the "Ruta des Castillos", which are supposed to provide the visitor with further information and display boards at prominent points, but so far have been little more than a loose sequence certain tourism installations and also the area of ​​the entire region. The principle does not change anything: As part of a tour, the Sierra can only be circumnavigated clockwise or counterclockwise with the always worthwhile detour between Torres and Jimena.

Hiking and biking

Start of the hiking trail to Pinar Cánava

From the Andalusian nature conservation authority there are 11 hiking trails (Senderos) signposted in the Sierra Mágina. Most of the driveways are already equipped with signposts that bear the authority's logo and indicate the name of the path in green. Further tours can be found in relevant guides and hiking portals.

  • Castillo de Albanchez
Coming from Jimena, the short (200 m) path leads sideways upwards through rocky terrain to the ruins of the Albanchez fortress and can also be taken as a detour during a car tour. Nice view into the interior of the Sierra.
  • Puerto de la Mata
From Cambil you can climb to the top of the Puerto de la Mata pass with the Mata Bejid castle ruins, from here you can continue to the secondary peaks of the Sierra or you can cross the Sierra from north to south to Torres (approx. 7 hours). The latter alternative is part of the GR-7 long-distance hiking trail, which opens up the entire province.
  • Pico Magina
From a forester's house the CEDEFO out (at km 6.5 on the A-324 between Cambil and Huelva in the south of the Sierra) the ascent to the highest peak in the region begins. 980 meters in altitude and approx. 7.5 hours of travel time are rewarded by fantastic views.
  • Pinar de Cánava
The Pinar above Jimena, which is separately protected as a natural monument, houses a hermitage from the 15th century and offers space for two-hour short hikes as an excursion option as part of a tour.


  • Paragliding is practiced in Pegalajar.

Traditional festivities

  • in the January
    • Night of the 17th: Hogueras de San Antón in Huelma (Bonfire in honor of the patron saint of animals)
  • carnival and the Semana Santa(Week before Easter) As everywhere in Andalusia, they are celebrated in every parish with corresponding parades and processions.
  • in the May
    • 2 .: Fiestas de la Virgen de la Fuensanta in Huelma
    • 3-6: Fiesta de San Francisco de Paula in Albanchez de Magina
  • in the July
    • 24./25 .: Fiesta de Santiago y Santa Ana in Cambil
  • in the August
    • 4th-7th: Fiestas de la Virgen de las Nieves in Pegala jar
    • 19.-21 .: Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos in Belmez de la Moraleda
  • in the September
    • first week: Fiestas del Cristo de la Misericordia y la Virgen de la Asunción in Jodar
    • 7-10: Fiestas de la Virgen de los Remedios in Jimena
    • 21 .: Fiestas del Santísimo Cristo de la Columna in Torres
    • 25/26: Fiestas Patronales Virgen de Cuadros in Bedmar

The data refer to Publications the Andalusian nature conservation authority for 2013. As these are often church festivals, the calendar dates in other years can fluctuate around these dates.


  • In Pegala jar The "Mujeres Artesanas" run a shop recommended by the nature park administration
    OLEA COSMÉTICOS S.L., Calle / Calvario, 28 - 23110 Pegalagar. Tel.: 953 360 162, Email: .
    , in which olive oils and cosmetics from our own production are sold using local raw materials.



Hotels and hostels

In hotels, apartments and rural holiday accommodations (Casas Rurales) there is no shortage. Since the region is not yet one of the focal points of tourism, these can usually be booked on site during the Andalusian high season, otherwise it is advisable to explore the Internet in advance. The under places The links offered to the websites of the individual municipalities usually contain relevant information.


The only currently known campsites in the region are located in

  • Camping El Ayozar, Paraje El Ayozar. Tel.: 953 35 74 63, Fax: 953 35 74 63. in the north of the Sierra near Albanchez de Mágina.Price: 2nd Cat.
  • Camping ESTACIÓN SIERRA MAGINA (Closed for renovation in mid-2013), Cabra del Santo Cristo, Ctra. Estación s / n (Access via the A-401 and further JA-4200). Tel.: 34 953.39.09.40, Fax: 953.10.00.15, Email: . in the east of the Sierra.



The World Heritage Site of the Twin Cities Baeza and Úbeda as well as the provincial capital Jaén are relatively easy to get to (depending on the starting point 30-60 min.). The same applies to the mountain town of Cazorla. The other nature parks in the region, especially the Parque Natural Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas can be driven through in a day trip because of the narrow traffic routes, but they can hardly be viewed seriously.


Web links

  1. information the Andalusian nature conservation authority (en / span)
  2. Tourism portal the province of Jaén for the Sierra
  3. Travel report of the first author
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