Sierra de Grazalema - Sierra de Grazalema

The Sierra de Grazalema is a natural park (Parque Natural) in Andalusia.




possibly history


Flora and fauna


getting there

Fees / permits

The core zone of the nature park lies in the triangle Grazalema, Benamahoma, Zahara de la Sierra. The hiking trails in this area may only be used with a permit. The permit can be obtained from the information offices in El Bosque, Grazalema and Zahara de la Sierra. Permits are only issued for 15-30 people per day. In summer and autumn, due to the high risk of forest fires, the area is often completely closed (except Garganta Verde) or can only be accessed with a guide.


Tourist Attractions

  • Cueva de la Pileta, Stalactite cave south of Benaojan. There are numerous cave drawings in the cave. The tour takes place with kerosene lamps, which makes it much more "exciting" than in electrically illuminated show caves.



In the Sierra de Grazalema there are several recommended hiking trails. When planning the hike, one should bear in mind that it is difficult to plan circular hikes and that the start and finish of the trails are far apart, even by car, so that commuting with two cars is often is not a solution.

Some ways:

  • Garganta Verde. Step down into a 200m deep gorge. Allow a good hour for each ascent and descent. On the way you pass a breeding area of ​​the rare griffon vulture, so you can only walk with a permit. The circling vultures can be seen most of the way. In the gorge, after a few hundred meters, you come to a large cave hall, the Ermita de la Garganta Verde. A little later the gorge drops steeply. Hikers turn around here, with canyoning experience and equipment, a descent to Zahara de la Sierra is possible.
  • From Puerto del Boyar (near Grazalema) via the Sierra del Endrinal to Benaocaz. Easy walking time 3-4 hours. The path is marked with blue arrows, good markings as far as Casa del Dornajo, after which you have to look for the path largely by map and "feeling".
  • From Benaocaz to the Salto del Cabrero to Puerto del Boyar. Easy walking time 3-4 hours. Different markings. The path is described in various guides and in good weather there are numerous hikers on the way, making the path easy to find.
  • Circular hike Benaojan-Montejaque-Guadiaro Valley-Benaoja. Walking time 3-4 hours, good red-white or yellow-white marking (wrong branches are marked with crossed markings). From Benaojan it goes on the road to Montejaque. Shortly before the village, turn right past the cemetery to the top of the pass. Past a small chapel and a small courtyard. On the following descent into the Guadiaro Valley, many beautiful views of Ronda. Immediately before the railway line, turn right onto a driveway parallel to the railway. After a while the path climbs up to the right and leads over the ridge back to Benaojan.
  • From El Bosque to Benamahoma. Easy walking time 1.5-2 hours, along the Rio Bosque through a shady valley. Start from the information desk in El Bosque, first in the direction of the youth hostel, past a hotel, then signposted and marked. No authorization required.




Hotels and hostels





Web links

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