Sipán - Sipán

Sipán is a pre-Columbian archaeological site of the Northern coast of Peru.

To know

Sipán is a site from the Moche era, a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished between the second and eighth centuries AD. C. The Moche distinguished themselves in the goldsmith's work as well as in building irrigation canals. They were notable masters of painted ceramics and the period of their civilization is divided into 5 phases derived from the evolution of the decorations on ceramics. Many of these objects, including vases with erotic decorations, are housed in the Museo de la Nacion and in the Larco Herrera Museum, both in File.

Sophisticated as it was, the Moche civilization ignored the use of writing. They lived in the valleys of three rivers: Chicama, Moche and Vru. In addition to Sipán, another interesting archaeological site is that of Huancaco. Huaca del Sol, a pyramidal structure on the Rio Moche, was destroyed with mines by Europeans looking for gold inside the tombs. Fortunately, the nearby Huaca de la Luna remained intact. The excavations were inaugurated in 2004. There are walls with complex iconography.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

  • The so-called tomb of "El Señor de Sipán", found by the archaeologist Walter Alva, is considered one of the most important discoveries of recent years, because in the tomb the mummy was found intact along with its set of jewels and funerary masks.

Other tombs have been discovered in Huaca Rajada, an area near Chiclayo.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sipán
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sipán
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