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29 ° 11 ′ 26 ″ N 25 ° 32 ′ 57 ″ E
Official site

Siwah is an oasis located in the lybic desert in Egypt.


The historic town of "Siwah" is located in a secluded oasis in the Lybic Desert, approximately 550 km west of Cairo, 305 km southwest of Marsa Matrouh and 50 km from the border with the Libya. With 80 km long and 20 km wide, the oasis is one of the most isolated places in the country. Siwa, however, holds a certain appeal for many travelers due to its isolation but also its beauty and history. The city is populated by about 25,000 inhabitants.

The inhabitants of the Siwah oasis are Berbers and their mother tongue is a Berber dialect, called Siwi. However, Arabic is the second language of almost all the inhabitants and many also speak English.

To go

By bus

From Cairo

The West Delta bus station is the main transport hub and is located not far from the main square, up the street from the bank. Buses in the direction of Marsa Matrouh and Alexandria leave 3 times a day at 10 h, 17 h and 22 h. It is best to reserve a day in advance.

There is a night bus from Turgoman bus station which leaves around 18 h 45. The price on 11/11/2010 was 65LE. The return bus leaves from Siwah every day at 20 h.

To join Siwah from Cairo on days when there would be no bus, or to reach Siwah from Alexandria, take a bus (or a micro bus) to Marsa Matrouh (around 25LE-35LE), then buses go to Siwa every day from 13 h 30 and 16 h (around 20LE).

From Alexandria

There are several regular buses from Alexandria, departing from h, 11 h and 15 h, air-conditioned and at fair prices. The trip lasts h about.

From Marsa Matrouh

Buses leave Marsa Matrouh To h and arrive in Siwa around 11 h.

From Bahariyya

There is no bus service between Siwa and Bahariyya.

The road is of poor quality and must be traveled by 4x4. Drivers will make the trip once they have enough passengers and prices are negotiating from 600LE per vehicle.

Siwa is located at 752 km from Cairo960 km of the oasis of Kharga, 760 km of the oasis of Dakhla, 530 km of the oasis of el Farafra, and 350 km from the oasis of Bahariyya.


By bike

The bike is the best way to explore Siwah and its surroundings, they can be rented everywhere around 10-15LE.

By sleigh

Carriage drivers (pulled by donkeys) are most often children who have ridden donkeys for several years. Prices are negotiable (make sure you have a clear agreement before you go) and range from 3LE for a city trip to 30LE for a longer trip.

To see


To buy


Have a drink / Go out




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