Soajo - Soajo

Espigueiros do Soajo.

O Soajo it's a village portuguese of Viana do Castelo district. The village is famous for its granaries.

To arrive



  • . It is a set of 24 granaries, the oldest of which dates back to 1728. The granaries were used to keep the cereal in good condition, saving it from rats. The granaries were used by the entire community. The granaries are the symbol of Soajo and the entire region.
  • (Largo do Eiró). It is located in the center of the village, and is of simple constitution, with a column, topped by a face with large round eyes, seated on three steps.



It is possible to buy granary miniatures in stone or wood.

With the

  • , Lage, 258576136.

drink and go out



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