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(Суздаль (ru))
Postal code
56 ° 25 ′ 10 ″ N 40 ° 26 ′ 56 ″ E

Suzdal is a city ofVladimir oblast in Russia.


The city appears for the first time in history in the year 1024. It was for several hundred years the capital of several Russian principalities. Suzdal is the cradle of the Russian state because its princes, who became princes of Vladimir and then of Moscow, were to bring together “all the Russias” before taking the title of tsar. It is part of the Golden Ring of Russia.

After a political decline, the city regained its importance as a religious center thanks to its many monasteries. The city could even be proud of an exceptional proportion of churches. This proportion was at a time of forty churches for four hundred families.

Nowadays, the city is an important tourist destination, comprising many examples of Russian architecture, mainly churches and monasteries. Despite being home to ten thousand residents, the city still appears to be just a village, with streams, rivers, and farm animals all within the city itself. This juxtaposition of exceptional medieval monuments and rural life gives Suzdal a special charm, attracting many artists in particular.

To go

The train does not reach Suzdal. Must take a bus from the city of Vladimir To h (70 rubles) .Vladimir bus station is located next to the train station.


To see

  • The Suzdal Kremlin Logo indicating a wikipedia link Ul. Lenina. Logo indicating timetables Open from h - 18 h. – The Suzdal Kremlin (Russian: Суздальский кремль) is the oldest part of the city, the historic heart of Suzdal. It has existed since the 10th century, according to the chronicle since 1024. Located in a bend of the Kamenka river, to the south of the city, it represents with its buildings, witnesses of religious and princely powers, a remarkable set classified as part of the heritage of the humanity by UNESCO as part of the monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal. At the end of the 11th century and in the 12th century, a citadel was built on this spot, surrounded by a ring of earthen ramparts, with a length of 1 400 m. On the ramparts, stone defensive towers and wooden beam walls were added. In the Kremlin lived the prince's court and the bishop's court. The city's cathedral was also located in the Kremlin. During the second half of the 15th century, the defensive works were reinforced and multiplied. In 1677, a set of 15 stone and wood towers and doors was added. In 1719, all the wooden structures were destroyed by fire. The Kremlin retained its earthen ramparts and ditches, a few churches, the entire courtyard of the bishopric as well as the old Cathedral of the Nativity.


  • Cucumber Day  – takes place every year in mid-July. It is a kind of festival due to the reputation of the city for producing the best cucumbers in Central Russia. Music and tastings are the order of the day.

To buy


  • Trapeznaya (Located in a room in the refectory of the Suzdal Kremlin) – This restaurant offers, among other things, the traditional blinis Russian (kind of pancakes) with caviar and marinated forest mushrooms. The prices are much lower than Moscow.
  • Korchma Ulitsa Lenina – This beautiful restaurant offers high quality Russian food.

Have a drink / Go out

Suzdal's specialty is Medovukha, a kind of cider made from honey. You have to be careful buying this drink on the street because counterfeits are common.


Suzdal offers a wide range of hotels and hostels. It is necessary to book in advance during the high season (new year, summer holidays, independence day ...).

  • Tourist  – It is the largest hotel in the city. 3 stars.
  • Goryachia klyuchi Where "Bashenki" ul. Korovniki, 14, Logo indicating a telephone number  7 (09231) 28-000, 7 (0922) 42-02-77, fax : 7 (09231) 2-41-01 Logo indicating tariffs From 10,000 rubles per room. – Hotel complex with large rooms and sauna located in a quiet area. About 20 min steps to the center and 40 min to the Kremlin.
  • Vasilyevsky Monastery Vasilyevsky Street. Logo indicating tariffs 800 rubles per room. – This monastery offers comfortable and clean rooms, but you shouldn't expect to find a telephone or television. Shared kitchen and bathroom.



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Complete list of other articles in the region: Vladimir oblast