Stafford Creek - Stafford Creek

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Stafford Creek
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Stafford Creek is a city in North Andros.


This simple place is the base of the privately owned Fofar Field Station. It is affiliated with the North American International Field Studies and is attended predominantly by American university students specializing in geology, marine biology and ornithology. The main road on the island runs almost always along the coast from here to Behring Point.

Fofar Field Station, Blanket Sound, Tel. 368-6129, 368-6160


  • Ellen's overnight rest, Blanket sound. Tel.: 329-6111, Fax: 329-6126. 7 rooms.
  • Love at First Sight Lodge. Tel.: 368-6082, Fax: 368-6083. 10 rooms, pool.Price: In summer: single 70 $, double 97 $; in winter: single 75 $, double 107 $. Rental prices including taxes.

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