Standing Stones of Stenness - Standing Stones of Stenness

Standing Stones of Stenness

The Standing Stones of Stenness is a Neolithic henge near Stenness and is about 14km west of Kirkwall on the Orkney IslandMainland on a headland between the Loch of Stenness and the Loch of Harray. 200m north of the stone circle on the banks of the Loch of Harray is the Neolithic settlement Barnhouse, discovered in 1984, and on the opposite bank is the Ring of Brodgar. Since 1999 the plant belongs to the UNESCO world cultural heritage.


The stone circle of the Stones of Stenness was created around 3100 years BC. Of the original 12 stones, 4 are still standing today, the stone circle was oval in shape and approx. 30 m in diameter, the individual stones are approx. 5 m high and 30 cm thick. The rampart and moat that are common for a henge are no longer preserved. It is assumed that the somewhat distant stones Watch Stone, Barnhouse Stone, Stone of Odin also belong to the system. The Standig Stones of Stenness is part of "The Heart of Neolithic Orkney". The excavation site of the Stone Age settlement of Barnhouse is 200 m to the northeast, and the Maes Howe and the megalithic complex are within walking distance Ring of Brodgar.

The facility is located on a meadow and is fenced in accordingly. Now and then there are sheep and their legacies.

getting there

By plane

  • The nearest airport
    1  Kirkwall Airport (Kirkwall Airport, IATA: KOI), Kirkwall Airport, (KOI), Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1TH. Tel.: 44 (0) 1856 872 421. Kirkwall Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKirkwall Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKirkwall Airport (Q1431732) in the Wikidata database.Kirkwall is from Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow approached.

By train

In the street

Standig Stones of Stenness is on the B9055, from Stromness drive on the A965 and then on the B9055, from Kirkwall on the A965 and the B9055. There is a parking lane right by the Standig Stones of Stenness.

By boat

Of Scrabster runs several times a day North Link Ferries to Stromness and from Aberdeen there is a ferry service to Kirkwall.


Standig Stones of Stenness itself is a typical excursion destination and has no accommodations of its own. Otherwise there are different categories of accommodation available in Kirkwall, Stenness or Stormness.

Web links