Sun protection - Suojautuminen auringolta

This article is tourism topic.

If you stay too much in the sun’s UV radiation, your skin will burn. The traveler needs to remember this especially on a beach vacation, otherwise the trip could be ruined.


The skin peels off after burning

The first symptoms include reddening of the skin and pain. The skin turns red after about 2-6 hours. The pain is at its worst 6-48 hours after the skin burns. 3-8 days after burning, the skin begins to peel off. Other symptoms include fatigue and possibly fever. Sunburn can be a first or second degree burn.

Smaller sunburns do little more than irritate, whereas larger ones may even require hospitalization. Sunburn can also lead to skin cancer over time.


When you travel, you are more likely to move outside so you should be more careful then especially when traveling south or to the mountains. Before traveling, you should find out about the sun conditions of the destination.

Higher risks

The risk of your skin burning increases depending on how pale your skin is.

The risk increases as you get closer to the equator where UV radiation is at its strongest. If you use any antibiotics or other medications it can often expose your skin to sunburn.

Especially in the southern hemisphere, the ozone cycle has depleted, leading to more UV radiation reaching the earth's surface, thus increasing the risk.

UV index

The UV index is an international standard for the intensity of UV radiation. The higher the UV index, the more dangerous the radiation.

Especially if you are traveling to developing countries you should find out about UV conditions online UV reports may not be available on site.

The intensity of radiation is affected by, among other things:

  • latitude radiation is at its strongest at the equator
  • altitude - at the top of the mountain the radiation is much higher than in the valley
  • Seasonal radiation is strongest in summer
  • weather - on cloudless, dry days there is the most radiation
  • environment - sand, water or snow reflects and amplifies radiation

Protect yourself

Tips for protection:


Sunglasses are very good to wear especially where the environment reflects the sun’s rays such as on the beach, glacier or desert.

Warning: Sunglasses without UV protection will damage your eyes more than not wearing sunglasses at all.

If your glass is too small you may be exposing your eyes to UV radiation. If you ski in the mountains, wear ski goggles instead of sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Lightly tinted sunglasses are better because then your pupils will stay small and let less sunlight into your eyes.


Definitely the best protection from the sun is proper dress. In the tropics, you should wear a hat or other headgear, a light long-sleeved shirt, long-sleeved pants, and shoes instead of sandals. It is a good idea to protect your neck by wearing a neck shirt and turning your neck up.

Onshore clothes should be kept on whenever you are not in the water. Remember that the skin can burn even in water.


Sunscreens do not act as a substitute for clothing and even the most effective sunscreens are of no use if you lie for hours in the desert. Apply a new layer every two hours.


In the tropics, one should not move outside at noon. The locals also spend siesta when the sun is at its highest. Swim early in the morning or late in the evening.

Hold on

If your skin is badly burned, see a doctor.

Resist the temptation to jump into the water with sunburn, the water cools the skin but if the sun shines, the skin burns even more. In addition, sea salt water stings the skin. Watch out for infection. Take a cool (not cold) shower or bath and dry yourself with a soft towel.

Apply a pain relieving gel to the skin for sunburn. Rest, drink water and stay away from solar radiation for the duration of the sunburn.


Heat stroke is life-threatening a situation where the body is no longer able to control its temperature. In addition to high temperatures, heat stroke is promoted by air humidity because then your body will not be able to cool your body by sweating. Always drink plenty of water when the temperature is high, and do not do anything that is physically strenuous.