Svalbard and Jan Mayen - Svalbardo kaj Janmajeno

Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Svalbardo and Janmajeno (NorwegianSvalbard and Jan Mayen) dulitera: SJ, triliter: SJM, digit: 744) is a statistical unit, created according to the standard ISO 3166 for the two remote territories of Norway, la archipelagoSvalbardo and the islandJanmajeno. Although both territorial are unified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), administratively they are not linked. They have onlinenaciandomain of the high, but it is not used and the domain is used .no, as well as throughout Norway. Likewise they both have together according to the norm ISO 3166-2 the coding ISO 3166-2: SJ for their parts, but it is empty, and at the same time as parts of Norway according to the same standard they have codes NO-21 (Svalbard) and NO-22 (January) in the codification ISO 3166-2: NO for Norway.

The official language in the territories is norvega, in Svalbard is also used the Russian. The territories do not have their own coats of arms and flags and use the Norwegian ones, either separately or both together.

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