South Ossetia - Südossetien

The location of the region in the Middle East

South Ossetia is a region in the south of the Caucasus, which is part of most of the states Georgia applies. However, the republic declared itself state-independent in 1991 after a war against Georgia. This was carried out by the Caucasus conflict of 2008 with Russian help and state recognition Russia, Nauru, Nicaragua and Venezuela pushed further.


Map of South Ossetia


Other goals




The last Soviet census from 1989 still determined a population of just under 100,000, 66% of them Ossetians and 29% Georgians. In the course of the Civil War and subsequent ethnic cleansing, however, most Georgians were expelled or fled.

Most of the residents have received passports from the Russian Federation.


The official languages ​​are Ossetian and Russian. Many residents also understand Georgian.

getting there

The journey is either from Russia via the Roki tunnel or (theoretically) possible via Georgia. Entry from Georgia is currently only possible with a special permit.

Entry requirements

The entry requirements for western foreigners are unclear. In any case, you need a double entry visa for Russia, which allows you to return there.

In any case, a visa for South Ossetia is required, but it is unclear who will issue such a visa. Possibly you can ask at the Ossetian embassy in Moscow. ATTENTION: Anyone traveling to South Ossetia requires a special permit from Georgia under Georgian law! The Georgian view is that these are occupied territories and cannot be visited until constitutional order is restored. Anyone who does this anyway and then travels to core Georgia faces a long prison sentence. For example, a Turkish captain who violated the Georgian law on the occupied territories was sentenced to a 23-year (!) Prison sentence, which was subsequently reduced to eight years has been. In any case, a fine of almost € 700 must be expected if you travel to Georgia and have a South Ossetian stamp in your passport.


Tourist Attractions





The Federal Foreign Office is currently warning against traveling to South Ossetia.




Web links

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