Slovak Paradise - Słowacki Raj

Slovak Paradise

Paradis Slovaque banner.jpg

Slovak Paradise (words. Slovenský raj) - a plateau and a tourist region lying in the area Slovakia, which is part of the Slovak Ore Mountains (Western Carpathians). Name used from 1921.

There are numerous marked hiking and biking trails in the area of ​​the Slovak Paradise. The most attractive hiking routes run along the bottom of narrow ravines with high, almost vertical walls (called roclins), in which the most difficult sections are overcome with the help of artificial facilities in the form of metal or wooden footbridges, bridges and ladders (up to several meters high). A unique attraction is the route that runs along the gorge of the Hornád, where the narrowest sections are overcome with a series of metal shelves, fixed in a solid, vertical rock a few meters above the river current.

In the southern part of the Slovak Paradise there is the Kláštorisko glade (790 m above sea level) with the ruins of the Carthusian monastery from the end of the 13th century and a tourist shelter. There is a knot of hiking trails at the hostel. Centuries ago, the clearing was a shelter for the local population fleeing the Tatar Ordays. A chairlift leads from the village of Dedinky (795 m above sea level) to the Geravy plateau (1020 m above sea level, in the northern part of the Slovak Paradise).

Since 1964, a large part of the Slovak Paradise has been under protection as the Slovak Paradise Protected Landscape Area (Slovak Paradise). Chránená krajinná oblasť Slovenský raj). In 1988, the rank of protection was raised, creating the Slovak Paradise National Park (Slovak National park Slovenský raj).


A number of rare animal species live in the forests, such as the chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), Lynx (Lynx lynx), Wolf (Canis lupus), pine marten (Martes martes). Moreover, the massif is home to the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaëtos), hawk pigeon fancier (Accipiter gentilis), common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). There is also a fire salamander - (The salamander salamander).


About 90% of the area is covered by fir-beech forests with numerous alpine and glacial vegetation, such as the Slovakian pasque-flower - Latin. Pulsatilla slavica and numerous other endemic plants.


Climatic conditions are characteristic of the foothills of the Tatra Mountains. The warmest month is July with an average temperature of 16-17 ° C, the coldest - January with temperatures of -5, -6 ° C. The highest rainfall occurs in June, the lowest in January. Due to the described terrain, the temperature inversion phenomenon occurs here: in the deep, shaded ravines at the foot of the massif, the temperatures are lower than on the elevations on its plateau. The most beautiful period is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Where next

In the vicinity of Słowacki Raj there are several towns with interesting monuments and tourist centers (incl. Spiska Nowa Wieś, Hrabušice), from which you can organize day trips to further areas with the possibility of overnight accommodation. On the other hand, descriptions of the routes in the Slovak Paradise together with practical information can be found on the following