Talavera de la Reina - Talavera de la Reina

View of Talavera de la Reina (Toledo province, Spain)

Talavera de la Reina is a city of Toledo.

To get

By plane

It does not have an airport. The closest international airport is Madrid - Barajas.


Highway A-5, 114 km from the capital of Spain. Time approx 1'00 "hours.


Madrid-Talavera, Grupo Avanza company, Principe Pio station (Madrid), Time approx 1'30 "hours.


Madrid-Caceres, Atocha station (Madrid). Time approx 1'50 "hours.


The city is relatively small and distances are short. Parking is somewhat complicated, so it is advisable to leave the car aside and move on foot.


Old Town Hall

Of Renaissance style, it dates from the 16th century and in it the Bachelor Fernando de Rojas exercised his functions as mayor of the city.

Current town hall

Palatial complex from the 17th century, with a porticoed patio.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Prado

Built between the 16th and 17th centuries, it is in the Renaissance and Baroque style and houses a magnificent collection of ceramics from the 16th-20th centuries. The main chapel is the work of Fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás. The invocation of Nuestra Señora del Prado is the patron saint of the city.

Chapel of the Prison of the Holy Brotherhood

Gothic style of the 15th century.

Chapel of Christ of the Merchants

Opened in the 18th century in an albarrana tower. Rococo altarpiece.

House-Palace of Calle del Sol

Baroque of the seventeenth century.

Bakery House

Example of traditional Talavera architecture.

House of Fray Hernando de Talavera

XV century.

House of the New Mills

One of the main buildings of the old Royal Silk Factory, from the 18th century.

Archpriest's House

Courtyard house from the 17th century.

Dean's House

Built in the 16th century in Renaissance style.

Collegiate Church of Santa María

Collegiate Church of Santa María.

Gothic-Mudejar in style, it dates essentially from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and is possibly the work of Rodrigo Alonso. Its flamboyant Gothic rose window, its Gothic cloister, several funerary monuments from the 15th century and the canvas of the Annunciation by Mariano Salvador Maella stand out among other magnificent works of art. Here you can also find one of the few preserved works of the Toledo painter Blas de Prado, the Apparition of Santa Leocadia to San Ildefonso and King Recaredo, dated 1592.

Convent-Alfar of El Carmen

Built at the beginning of the 18th century under the traces of Fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás.

Cistercian convent of San Benito

The oldest in the city, it preserves a Renaissance cloister.

Convent of the Incarnation of the Bernardas Mothers

Work of Fray Lorenzo from the 17th century, in its characteristic brick baroque.

Convent of the Carmelite Mothers

XVII century. It preserves images by Juan Pascual de Mena.

Convent of San Agustín el Viejo

Possibly the most characteristic brick Baroque work of Fray Lorenzo de San Nicolás in the city. It currently houses the Ruiz de Luna Ceramic Museum.

Santo Domingo convent

Founded by Fray García de Loaysa in the 16th century, its church shows the transition from Gothic to Renaissance. The plateresque graves of the founder and his parents are notable.

Domus del Hospital and Roman temples of Caesarobriga

Archaeological site from the I-IV centuries, can be visited at the Hospital de la Misericordia. The two temples, dedicated to Jupiter and the imperial cult, belonged to the forum of the Roman Caesarobriga.

Mercy Hospital

Founded in 1475, the current building dates from the 17th century. It currently houses the Rafael Morales Cultural Center.

Huerto de San Agustín

Ancient Arab Alcazaba built by Abderramán III and later Christian fortress where Leonor de Guzmán, mother of Enrique II of Castile, was executed. It is currently being the object of archaeological excavation.

Church of El Salvador

Mudejar apse (13th century) and Gothic and Plateresque elements.

Church of San Andrés

With Mudejar coffered ceiling and 17th century ceramics.

Church of san francisco

Its ceramic Stations of the Cross by Francisco Arroyo stands out.

Church of Santiago el Nuevo

Magnificent Mudejar construction from the 14th century. Its exterior brick decoration stands out, including the excellent rose window, as well as its Renaissance altarpiece and the Gothic Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, from the 15th century.

Church of the Hospital de la Orden de Santiago or "Santiaguito"

Its Mudejar apse from the 13th century is preserved.

Prado Gardens

Their current design dates from the early 20th century, and they are decorated with benches, fountains and other elements of traditional Talavera pottery.

Jerónimo de Santa Catalina Monastery and San Prudencio College

Founded at the end of the 14th century, a period from which some Gothic-Mudejar remains are preserved. The current church is Renaissance, with Herrerian and Baroque elements. Alonso de Covarrubias and, according to tradition, Juan de Herrera took part in its construction.

Wall and albarrana towers of the first walled enclosure

Sector of wall and albarrana gate in Talavera de la Reina.

In Carnicerías, Corredera del Cristo, Charcón, Entretorres and Ronda del Cañillo streets. Possibly Roman in origin, its current construction is Muslim and Christian, from the X-XIII centuries. It encloses the oldest neighborhood in the city, the Villa.

Wall of the second enclosure

It enclosed the New Suburbs, but only a few remains of it remain: the Puerta de Sevilla, the Torre del Polvorín, a tower of the Puerta de Zamora and another tower in the Plaza de San Miguel.

Ethnographic Museum

It has its headquarters in the old wine press of the Jerónimos.

Palace of the Marquis of Villatoya

Built in the 15th century, it is in the Gothic style.

Palace of the Counts of Oliva

17th century, with a porticoed patio.

La Caprichosa Bullring

In which José Gómez Ortega, Joselito, died.

Iron bridge

Made by the Engineer Luis Barber and inaugurated in 1908.

South Round Bridge

Currently under construction. At almost 180 meters high, it will become the highest bridge in Spain. It will have a panoramic elevator from which you can enjoy the views of the city.

Old Bridge

Of Roman origin, although the current construction is medieval, from the 15th century, subsequent reconstructions have been involved.

Palenque Theater

Built on the remains of the old church of the Jesuits, from the 18th century.

Victoria Theater

Built in 1912 on the old comedy corral, it is a modernist building decorated with tiles by Juan Ruiz de Luna.

Roman Villa of Saucedo

Between the 1st and 6th centuries.


To buy

The city is the main center of services in its extensive region so there are many shops, such as the Corte Ingles just above the bus station, further away is El Nuevo Centro and on the outskirts is the Los Alfares shopping center (Carrefour, Decathlon, Aki, Etc ...) The main shopping street in Talavera is Calle Trinidad where we will find numerous shops. In this street, the sportswear stores Twinner and Foot on Mars stand out. In the Puerta de Cuartos neighborhood there are many ceramic shops where we can get it at a good price.

To eat

Talavera gastronomy is highly appreciated, and this is recognized by the many restaurants in the city and its entire region. Gastronomy has a certain Arab contribution, although it is ultimately that of the Castilian land. It is based on the products of its fertile garden and game dishes. The meats include venison, pickled partridge and quail, thrush, rabbit with tomato, rosemary, rice with hare, and pigeons talaverana stewed with butter, onion, parsley and peas. The hen in pepitoria, the kid in the pig, the roast lamb, the slaughter dishes are interesting. The Tagus River gave for centuries dishes as exquisite as exotic, some of them are eels in tomato sauce, carp, frog legs, or pickled fish that are made into an omelette for the Santa Apolonia pilgrimage, every nine of February. A quintessential dish of Talavera gastronomy are veneers, small beans stewed with raw vegetables and chorizo. In the past, Talavera wines were widely recognized although, in recent times, some wineries have begun to recover that memory of good wines, reaching some of them International fame such as the Solaz de Osborne, the Señorío Malpica or the Dominio de Valdepusa. As for desserts, marzipans, sweet flowers or charities, small flour and anise buns stand out.


Davane Restaurant, Creative Cuisine / Author Y Homemade, menu price 10 euros, Address, Ctra Calera num 45.

Antonio Bar Restaurant, menu price 10 euros, Address, Avenida de Portugal.


Chicago's, Estoril complex, American restaurant.


Drink and go out

Surrounding the neighborhood that surrounds the New Center, it revolves around the leisure and nightlife of the city.

In the bars of the city they serve abundant tapas with each consumption, so it is typical to "go out of cañas" and eat with the pinchos and tapas that they serve you, among the best known bars are La Fakultad, La Rioja, El Paraíso, etc ...

Later in the night you can go to pubs like Zocco, Vía 26, Caramelo, Media Suela, Codigo.

For the most partying nightclubs like AQUA (5 euro entrance fee) and if the body can still hold on, you can end up in Mambo.

In summer the movement moves to La Siesta and the Hacienda
