Taï - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Taï — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Track leading to Tai
Track leading to Taï
5 ° 52 ′ 34 ″ N 7 ° 27 ′ 11 ″ W

Tai is a city of Ivory Coast.


Taï is a locality in the west of Côte d'Ivoire in the Moyen Cavally region, landlocked between the famous Taï National Park and the Cavally river on the border with the LiberiaBeing at the gates of the famous Park, to which the locality of Taï gave its name, the Taï National Park (Unesco World Heritage), a community ecotourism project has been developed in the town of Taï which offers activities tourism based on a concept of Nature and Culture in order to highlight the exceptional heritage of Taï and its region.

To go


To see


To buy


Have a drink / Go out


  • Auberge Beau Sejour  – To stay in Taï and enjoy ecotourism activities, the Auberge Beau Sejour is one of the three accommodation options in the small town of Taï in the west of Côte d'Ivoire at the gates of the Taï National Park. . This small hotel, located in the center of the town, offers ten rooms with double beds (air-conditioned room with television: 12,000 CFA, ventilated room with television: 6,000 CFA, ventilated room without television: 4,000 CFA) with toilets and shower in each room. The possibilities of breakfast, lunch and dinner to order should be checked once there with the hotel manager. Taï being a small town, this small hotel structure, although renovated in 2013, remains very simple with minimum comfort but welcome for ecotourists and passing visitors wishing to take advantage of ecotourism activities in the Taï National Park and outside the Park.



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