Technical monuments and attractions - Technische Denkmäler und Attraktionen

Technical monuments and attractions
Conveyor bridge F60 in Lichterfeld


  • Visitor mine F60 - The largest conveyor bridge in the world is in the small Brandenburg town of Lichterfeld.
  • Niederfinow boat lift in Niederfinow, near Eberswalde in Brandenburg, with an 85 m long, water-filled trough, used to overcome the 36 m height difference of the Oder-Havel Canal.
  • Monument landscape - The circular route leads through the area monument of the former military research institute and test site of the air force in Peenemünde.
  • The German ferry route is a tourist holiday route between Kiel and Bremervörde, which connects around 50 bridges, locks, barrages and ferries.