Teolo - Teolo

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Teolo is a city in Veneto.


The municipality of Teolo is located in Regional Park of the Colli Euganei. The administrative seat is in the district of Treponti, other districts are Bresseo, Castelnuovo, Feriole, Praglia, San Biagio, Tramonte and Villa.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street

Teolo is about 24 km southwest of Padua, from there you can reach the place via the SR47 and the SP89.


Map of Teolo

Tourist Attractions

Abbazia di Praglia
  • 1 Palazzetto dei Vicari, Via Molare, 1, 35037 Teolo. The building houses a museum for contemporary art, as well as the tourist information office
  • 2 Abbazia di Praglia, the Benedictine abbey was founded in the 11th and 12th centuries. Founded in the 15th century, the buildings date from the 15th / 16th centuries. Century.


Regular events

  • Sagra del Gnocco. The Gnocci festival takes place on the second Sunday after Easter. Gnocci are made by hand by over 100 helpers and then served with many sauces and grilled meat.
  • Sagra dei chestnuts. The chestnut festival takes place on the third Sunday in October. In addition to the chestnuts, there is a huge pot of polenta, which is refined with tomatoes, beans and bacon and satisfies a large number of hungry people.





  • 1  Terre Bianche, Via Pastorie, 23, 35137,. Tel.: 39 049.619872, Fax: 39 049.8764558.
  • 2  Acero Campestre (Agriturismo), Via Calti Pendice 29, 35037 Teolo (Pd). Tel.: 39 049 9925623. Feature: pension.
  • 3  Monte Moscalbò (Agroturismo), Via Boscalbo 11, Tramonte di Teolo (PD) 35033. Tel.: 39 049 9935012. Language: Italian, English, French.Feature: pension.



Practical advice



Web links

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