Termiz - Termiz

Termiz; Термиз; russ .: Термез (Termes)
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Termiz is the southernmost and hottest city Uzbekistan at the Amu Darya.


The city, which looks back on a long history, was devastated in the 17th century and only rebuilt as a garrison under Russian rule from 1897. The ancient city center is about 6 km north of Karshi (Marshutka No. 15, dir. Termiz Ota). The modern place, architecturally essentially a Soviet city, was in the last decades the base for the occupying troops of different nations, whose politicians believed that it was near Afghanistan having to attack.

getting there

Border fence with Afghanistan, west of the city.
Traffic on the Friendship Bridge (1989).

By plane

1  Termiz airport. Since Germany is no longer actively "defended" in the Hindu Kush, the Termiz airport has been served less frequently by the Air Force Transall C-160. Usually two flights a day Uzbekistan Airways to Tashkent. International connections has been tracking UA once a week since June 2014 Moscow-Domodedovo and St. Petersburg here. The former route is also used by VIM Airlines served.

Taxis charge an excessive US $ 5-6 into town. The one passing close to the airport Marshrutka No. 11 costs a good 40 cents. (Stand 2013). Line 263 goes directly to / from the inner-city bazaar.

By train

Leave trains Tashkent on odd days and on even days they drive back to the capital in fourteen hours from Termiz according to the schedule. Train 380 (daily) arrives at 9.30 a.m. from Taschent, via Samarkand (from October 22; 2014: from 42,000 pages).

The 2010 between the air base in the Afghan Mazar-e-Sharif The single-track railway line (75 km) leading over the Bridge of Friendship to Termiz is only used for freight traffic.

By bus

Buses from Karshi (Qarshi) are about 5 hours on the road.

From the bus and shared taxi station (Autovocal) you can take the minibus line 6 to the central Jubilee lyney-Bazaar.

In the street

The endpoints of the M39 (from Karshi) and M41 highways meet in Termiz. The latter leads over Sariosiyo in the Tajik Capital Dushanbe.

From / to Afghanistan

The connection to Afghanistan takes place via the now grandiose “Bridge of Friendship” (37 ° 13 ′ 40 ″ N, 67 ° 25 ′ 42 ″ E), which the Amur Daya (Oxus) east of the city Hairatan overstretched. The land border crossing between Afghanistan-Uzbekistan, which has been little used since the occupation troops withdrew, is about seven kilometers east of the city and open to pedestrians and vehicles during the day.

Uzbek border station

You reach the Uzbek checkpoint Mangusar, by taxi (bargain hard) from the central bell tower. A wrong one too Marshrut, Due to the constriction in the minibuses used, it is difficult to use them with luggage. The final stop is at the militarily secured checkpoint, where a passport check takes place. The actual check-in can be reached after a good 1 km, which must be covered on foot or on a paid shuttle bus (special price for foreigners).

The Uzbek customs control is strict - probably also because of the underemployment of the bored customs officers. Baggage is screened and searched. Bag and body searches are carried out in the back room. The export of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. As in the times of the GDR, vehicles are checked over pits using an under-mirror.

A separate passport control follows. After that, after about 500 m on foot, you come to another control post in front of the bridge, on which there are two more post positions.

Afghan border station

The commanding General McChrystal of the US occupation army crosses the border into Afghanistan with research (May 27, 2010).

The border town of Hairatan, which is nothing more than a dusty truck stop and transshipment point, can be reached by (collective) taxi from Mazar-i-Sharif either from the west side of the shrine or from the “bus station” a good five kilometers outside. The fare in Oct. 2014 was US $ 20 per vehicle or US $ 5 per passenger. There are a few taxis waiting behind the border post, and the owner of the only shop there changes dollars at an extremely bad rate in Afghani, but if you come from Uzbekistan, it is advisable to go a few hundred meters to the "place," a long, dusty street village for fairer ones Prices to go.

The Afghan passport control is, as everywhere, extremely superficial. Personal data are handwritten in a book, luggage checks for foreigners are practically non-existent. You will receive a routing slip that has to be handed over to the guard. On the local side, the border post is secured by soldiers and a splinter protection path. There is a clean toilet by local standards.


The city center is the Independence Square with a monument to Khakim-at-Termizi. The main street Al-Termizy ko‘chasi runs from north to south through the city center. The train station is at the north end. In the direction of the city you will find the archaeological museum after approx. 400 m along the road. Directly opposite is an extensive city park, in which an extensive artificial lake is used for swimming in summer. Otherwise there are typical Soviet attractions.

There is little public transport, the places worth seeing are comparatively far apart, so that renting a taxi on a daily basis makes sense, especially for small groups. The local marshrutkas are exclusively 7-seater Isuzu Minibuses that are not suitable for taking luggage with you.

Tourist Attractions

Hakim-at-Termezi complex
  • The Sultan Saodat-Mausoleen, the graves are home to seventeen local rulers from the 11th to 17th centuries. Decayed in the 19th century, the complex was restored in 2005.[1] It is about eight kilometers from the city center towards the airport.
  • The former fortress is a good one kilometer west of it Kyrk-Kyz (Qirq Qiz), formerly probably a city of the Samanids (9th-10th centuries).
  • 1  Archaeological Museum, At-Termiziy Str, 29. Tel.: 998 (76) 227-30-17. founded in 2002. Archaeological exhibits from the area from the past 2500 years. Special coin collection.Open: 9: 00-18: 00.Price: 20000 UZS.(37 ° 14 '39 "N.67 ° 16 '57 "E.)
  • The Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevsky-Kirche, a somewhat dilapidated brick building on Gagarin ko‘chasi testifies to earlier Russian power.
  • There is a Ferris wheel in the Gorky City Park.
  • Halfway to the al-Hakīm at-Tirmidhī-Mausoleum complex stands a little apart, east of the M39 the Zurmala tower.
  • 2  zoo (Зоопарк, Hayvonot bogo). From the zoo (Zoo park) you could once get a good look at Afghanistan, which is no longer possible thanks to a new, approx. 4m high wall. Otherwise the zoo offers many sad and poorly cared for animals in cages that are far too narrow, including lions, tigers, bears, camels, monkeys and ostriches.Price: 2000 UZS.(37 ° 12 '54 "N.67 ° 15 '27 "E.)


  • Jubileney bazaar, at Al-Termizy ko‘chasi, about one kilometer south of the train station. Identifiable by the striking clock tower. (From here you can use Marshrutka 11 the proximity of the airport; 263 drives directly - luggage is difficult to take with you.) The local black money changers gather on both sides of the main road.


Enjoy the last / first chance for a beer before Afghanistan.



  • 1  Hotel Surxon, At-Termezi ko‘chasi (right side, 50 m after the intersection with Navoi ko‘chasi - clock tower). Apart from the typical sanitary installation, a decent, well-equipped house, also with air conditioning, massages, fitness room, buffet and hairdresser. 2014 probably the best price-performance ratio in town, it looks clearly more expensive from the outside. Is often used during the day by local couples to practice premarital intercourse.Check-out: 12:00.Price: Single (with bathroom, or TV, or breakfast) 130,000 Som, Polo-Lux 200,000 Som.


In 2014, various online rating portals described the categorization and prices of accommodations in this class as excessive.

  • meridian, 23, G. Husanov St. (under German management, preferred by travelers with an expense account). Price: from US $ 100; with sauna and pool.
  • 2  Asson, 27, At-Termezi ko‘chasi (next to the archaeological museum). with a pool, which was out of order in September 2017.Check-out: 12:00.Price: Double: from 350,000 Som (foreigner price, including breakfast).(37 ° 14 '33 "N.67 ° 16 '56 "E.)
  • Ulug‘bek, 13 A, F. Khodjaev St.. Price: Single: US $ 45, Double: 70-90, Triple: 135.


The place is considered to be the hottest in Uzbekistan, the measured maximum temperatures for June to August reached 50 ° C, the average daily high is then 38-39.7 ° C.[2]

Practical advice

Prefix: from abroad: 998 76 ... domestic Uzbek: 8 376

Post Code: 732010

An internet cafe is located on At-Termezi ko‘chasi diagonally opposite. from the bazaar. Another one behind the small kiosk (1200 S./h; 37.236033 N, 67.278986 O) on the corner with the Navoi ko‘chasi, vs. the clock tower.


  • Fayoz-Tepe (Fajaz-Tepe), a Buddhist monastery from the 3rd century discovered in 1968. (37 ° 17 ′ 53.61 ″ N, 67 ° 11 ′ 15.27 ″ E)
  • A good 8 km west of the modern city, near the river, is the al-Hakīm at-Tirmidhī-Mausoleum complex, dedicated to a Sufi mystic who died around 930. (Marshutka No. 15, dir. Termiz Ota) In addition to the tomb of the honored one made of white marble, it also houses a new museum.
    • The former citadel is also part of the ancient city Kala Tepe, which was used as a Buddhist monastery from the first century. The excavations are still going on there.
    • Nearby is also - unfortunately in the inaccessible restricted area near the border - Kara-Tepe.
  • About 60 km away on the M39 in Shirabad / Sherobod (Шерабад; 37 ° 40 ′ N, 67 ° 00 ′ E), the mausoleum of the Islamic scribe At-Tirmidhī (9th century).

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