Tinaquillo - Tinaquillo

Tinaquillo city ​​of the state Cojedes in Venezuela, capital of the Tinaquillo Municipality, founded under the name of Nuestra Señora del Socorro de Tinaquillo, its foundation is still discussed today by the historians of the town, since its call to "Recogimiento a Pueblo" was given on April 25, 1760. , this data is taken as the date of its foundation.



In the Pie de Monte Norteño, in the Taguanes savannas and in those located on the other side of the Tinaquillo River, called Tamanaco savannas, people had settled since the end of the 17th century, some to the south, coming from the scattered doubles of the Pao , others to the north, from Nirgua and others to the east from Valencia; and thus they had been founding small herds and farms between the banks of the Tinaquillo and Tamanaco rivers, the ravine in the middle between them, later called the town ravine.



The Tinaquillo area is located on the southern flank of the Serranía del Interior. It is a completely closed intermountain semi-plain, with flat areas to the east and another where flat and undulating areas alternate to the west with slopes of around 30%. The northern part of this relatively uniform surface, (the region around Tinaquillo), has an elevation of 420 meters. The general appearance is that of small rounded hills a few hundred meters wide, the tops of which form a uniform surface 30 to 60 meters high above the stream beds.


The atmospheric pressure oscillates around 750 mm of mercury, increasing slightly in the first months of the year and decreasing in the last two months of the dry season. There are normally only two seasons in the Caribbean mountains. Most of the precipitation occurs in the form of intense and brief showers almost daily during the months of May to November, between December and April the climate is hot and dry. The highest rainfall of the year is generally for May (70 mm). The average temperature is 27 ° C with extreme peaks of 40 ° C.


Dancing Devils of Tinaquillo

Dancing Devils of Tinaquillo

The Dancing Devils of Tinaquillo represent a cultural religious group, traditional of the town in the State of Cojedes. This Association complies with the religious manifestation that is basically shown on the Corpus Cristi festival, the ninth Thursday after Holy Thursday, and the day of San Juan Bautista, on June 24 of each year; in addition to complying with a traditional part of 7 departures or trails each year, as payment of promises of those people who establish such commitment, which must be carried out for 7 years without interruption. Thursday, December 6, 2012 They are named intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO along with 10 other brotherhoods of the country, during an assembly of this organization in the city of Paris, France.

To get

By car

From Caracas taking the Regional Highway from the Center until you reach the city of Valencia, take the San Blas Distributor and take the José Antonio Páez Highway until you reach Tinaquillo.


Natural heritages

  • Pao-Cachinche Reservoir: Via Cachinche.
  • "Los Manantiales" National Ecological Spa: Via Vallecito, Los Manantiales Sector.

Built Heritage

Taguanes Arch
  • Arco de Taguanes: Trunk Highway 005, Vía Valencia.
  • Church of Our Lady of Socorro: In front of the Plaza Bolívar de Tinaquillo.

Tourist Complexes

Camp El Lagunazo.
  • Las 5J Tourist Complex: Vía Vallecito, Banco Bonito Sector.
  • El Lagunazo Camp: Via Los Pegones, Las Granjitas Sector.
  • El Yake Camp: Via Los Leoncitos, Mesa de Vallecito Sector.
  • Agroaventuras: Via las Areneras, Altos de Guayabiyo Sector.
  • The City of Yeiber and Sebastian: Vía las Areneras, Sector Altos de Guayabiyo.

To buy

  • DC Greater San Antonio
  • DC Don Berna
  • DC Mr. Pedro


  • General Hospital of Tinaquillo Joaquina de Rotondaro: Paez Street, Buenos Aires Sector.
  • Venezuelan Institute of Social Security (IVSS): Par Vial Av Miranda, Industrial Zone.
  • Divino Niño Medical Assistance Center (CAMI): Calle Hilanderias, Sector Hilanderias.
  • Santa Ana Maternity Surgical Medical Center: Calle Coaheri, Local Nº K-14, Urb. Tamanaco 2da. Stage.
  • La Milagrosa Surgical Medical Center: Main Avenue, Local No. 55-01, Tamarindo Sector.
  • Hospital Clinica Cojedes: Calle Páez, between Av. Bolívar and Principal, Cen