Totana - Totana

View of Totana (Murcia region, Spain)

Totana It is a municipality of the Bajo Guadalentín region in Murcia, Spain.

To get

Totana, with 287 square km, is located about 50 km from the capital of the region and about 30 from the Mediterranean coast (Mazarron). It is also located in the foothills of Sierra Espuña in the heart of the Guadalentín Valley and on the natural route that connects the Levante with Andalusia.

By plane

Totana is 90 km away. from the airport San Javier and 125 km. from the airport Alicante, the Altet.

By bus

By train

By car

Excellent communications through the Almería / Granada highway that communicates it on one side with the center of Murcia and on the other with Lorca and Andalusia.


Despite having an average annual temperature of 17.8 degrees, it enjoys more than 100 days a year with temperatures above 30 degrees.

Average annual rainfall is 321 mm per year, interspersing very dry years with other rainy ones that, irregularly, cause flooding. The autumn months are the ones with the highest rainfall rates, while the summer is practically dry.

The average relative humidity is of the order of 64.2%. The winds are from weak to moderate, except stronger, punctual and infrequent gusts, with an average annual route of 107.4 km / day. The strongest gusts of winds occur in spring and the lowest in winter.



  • Constitution Plaza. Century XVI
  • Parish Temple of Santiago. Built during the first half of the 16th century.
  • Tower. It was built in the seventeenth century
  • City Hall building. It was built in the 16th century, in the 19th century it was remodeled and in 1990 it was restored.
  • The fountain of Juan de Uzeta. Baroque work of the 18th century.
  • The so-called House of Contributions.
  • La Cárcel Socio-Cultural Center.
  • Chapel of the miraculous.
  • Parish Temple of Las Tres Ave Marías.
  • Hermitage of San Roque.
  • Arch of San Pedro, Las Ollerías or La Rambla. Aqueduct built in the 18th century.


  • Visit the regional park of Sierra Espuaña.
  • Visit the typical houses of the garden (Los Huertos) on the northern slope of the municipality.

To buy

To eat

Drink and go out


  • Santa Eulalia Hotel.
  • Executive Sport Hotel.
  • Huerto la Torreta - Hotel Restaurant.
  • Olympia Hotel.
  • Hotel Los Camioneros.
