Medical tourism - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Tourisme médical — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

the medical tourism refers to the movement of people going to a country other than their country of residence, in order to benefit from a medical act that is not available or difficult to access in their own country, either for reasons of legislation or for reasons relating to the offer of care.


Medical tourism, also known as health tourism or hospital tourism, refers to the movement of people going to a country other than their country of residence, with the aim of benefiting from a medical act that is unavailable or difficult to access in their own country, either for legislative reasons or for reasons relating to the provision of care (skills, cost).

This definition already makes it possible to underline the improper character of the expression "medical tourism", since it relates above all to a medical logic and not tourism in the first sense of the term. Indeed, the objective of this mobility is above all to improve one's health and not to distract oneself. Moreover, when the care received is heavy and the postoperative period is delicate, patients are unable to go sightseeing.

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