Travel first aid kit - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Trousse de premiers soins pour le voyage — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Medical disclaimerWikivoyage is not a doctor: the medical information provided on Wikivoyage is general in nature at best and cannot substitute for the advice of a legally authorized healthcare professional.
Alcohol, mercurochromePharmadose (impregnated compresses)
Mouth and throat disordersLysopaine (tablets)
Analgesic - antipyreticParacetamol (Doliprane or Efferalgan)
Broad spectrum antibioticPenglobe
Ophthalmic antibioticSter-Dex (single-dose)
AntidiarrhoealImodium (prescription) / Imossel (without prescription)
Antihistamine, antiallergicPolaramine or Hypostamine
Anti-inflammatoryIbuprofen (Nurofen)
Mosquito repellentMousticologne (lotion or gel)
Intestinal antisepticErcefuryl or Intetrix
Canker sores, inflammation of the mouth and gumsBorostyrol
Burns, sunburnsBiafine
Anti-inflammatory creamParfenac
Cream against blows, sprains, strainsArnican
Non-infectious eye irritationCetylyre or Sophtal (single doses)
Solar productsAnthelios de la Roche Posay
Ointment for sunburnBiafine
Women's protections
Water purificationHydroclonazone, Micropur, but bottled water is now available everywhere. Have the bottles uncapped in front of you
Preventive treatment of intestinal problemsCarbolevure
Vitamin C
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These travel tips are a rough sketch and need more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information to be really useful. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
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