Tuberculosis - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Tuberculose — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Medical disclaimerWikivoyage is not a doctor: the medical information provided on Wikivoyage is general in nature at best and cannot substitute for the advice of a legally authorized healthcare professional.
Lameness due to bone tuberculosis.
Lameness due to bone tuberculosis.
Region (s)
* vaccineDo Yes
* medicationNot done no
Therapy:Do Yes
Geographical areas of tuberculosis. Rate per 100,000 inhabitants More than 300 cases 100 to 300 cases 50 to 99 cases 25 to 49 cases 10 to 24 cases 0 to 9 cases
Geographical areas of tuberculosis.

Rate for 100,000 inhabitants

  •      Over 300 cases
  •      100 to 300 cases
  •      50 to 99 cases
  •      25 to 49 cases
  •      10 to 24 cases
  •      0 to 9 cases
  • Wikivoyage does not provide medical adviceMedical warning

    The tuberculosis is a contagious, non-immunizing infectious disease with varying clinical signs. It is caused by a mycobacterium of the complex tuberculosis.


    Vector protection

    Protection against bacillus



    Clinical signs

    Granulomas of pulmonary tuberculosis.


    Possible consequences


    • In Belgium, in France, to Quebec and in Swiss, this disease is on the list of notifiable infectious diseases.
    • Vaccination is contraindicated for people with severe immunodeficiency as well as for pregnant women and carriers of HIV.

    Further information

    • Health topics, Tuberculosis Logo indicating a link to the website – The tuberculosis page on the WHO website.
    Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
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    Complete list of other articles in the theme: Medical advice