Tusheti - Tuschetien

The region Tusheti (also Tusheti) is a historic region in northeast Georgia. It is considered to be one of the most pristine and unspoilt areas in Georgia. Large parts belong to the Tusheti National Park


Defense tower
Village in Tusheti


  • Omalo
  • Dartlo
  • Diklo
  • Cheho
  • Khiso

Other goals



Georgian and Chechen

getting there

There are three ways to get to Tusheti. By car, by helicopter, on foot or on horseback. There are rumors that the first mountain bikers have reached Tusheti. By car you drive from Tbilisi via Telavi to Pshaveli where the long ascent to the Abano Pass (2927m) begins. Shortly after this village the asphalt ends and from there on you have to rely on four-wheel drive. It takes 4-5 hours to reach Omalo, the main town. Photographers should plan 2 hours more, there are really spectacular views that no photographer can simply drive past. Don't forget a spare can, there are no petrol stations in Tusheti.

If you want to go to Tusheti, you have to choose the right travel time. The Abano Pass is only open from around mid-June to mid-October. According to the tourist information in Telavi, this is Pass road reopened from May 20, 2014.

There are various providers who offer hiking tours to and in Tusheti, if you want to take this opportunity you have to calculate 2 days from Pshaveli to Omalo. The journey by helicopter is only possible as part of a group tour and must be planned and booked well in advance.


While the main towns can still be reached by off-road vehicle, the more remote areas can only be reached on foot, for which hikes of several days should be planned. Mountain guides and pack horses can be found in Omalo.

Tourist Attractions




If you want nightlife, you are definitely wrong in Tusheti.


Although the police rarely appear in Tusheti - due to the remoteness of the region - there is hardly any crime in the region. However, there is a well-developed family and tribal honor, disputes are usually settled internally. Foreigners are generally very warmly welcomed and missteps are usually looked after, but one should be careful not to hurt the feelings of the residents, to treat places of worship disrespectfully or to treat young women as a man, because otherwise the fun will quickly stop.

In the past, the government of the Russian Federation repeatedly accused Georgia of killing insurgents from Dagestan and Chechnya, among others. seek shelter in the Tushetan mountains. These allegations have never really been proven, but even if they were true, tourists would hardly be affected by them.

The greatest security threat in Tusheti comes from nature. In the high mountains, even experienced alpinists can quickly find themselves in mountain difficulties when the weather changes, so you should pay attention to suitable equipment even on short hikes. Cliffs and deep gorges also pose a risk of falling, which is not to be despised, so you shouldn't leave the paths and, in case of doubt, use a local mountain guide.

The road over the Abano Pass with steep inclines, tight curves and poor pavement is also a challenge for man and machine, every year vehicles crash into the gorges and deaths are to be mourned. Before starting the journey, you should therefore select a suitable car (off-road vehicle with four-wheel drive) and meticulously check the condition of the brakes, shock absorbers and tires; Appropriate off-road driving practice is strongly recommended.

As an important note, in the event of a mountain emergency, accidents or illnesses, help from the rescue services and the police can only be provided slowly and with severe restrictions due to the remoteness of the region.

Practical advice

In some parts of the region it is traditionally strictly forbidden for women to enter holy places or chapels (source website of the national park see below).


Mountain climate with long, cold and snowy winters. The Abano Pass is impassable due to snow between October and May. Snowfalls are also possible in June and September, making the only access road impassable for days. Even in the short midsummer it can get very cold, especially at night. You should therefore not forget to wear warm and waterproof clothing, even on short hikes. You should also think of good sun protection due to the altitude.


Web links

  • www.tushetipa.ge - Official website of the national park in English and Georgian
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