Ulaanbaatar - Ulaanbaatar

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Ulaanbaatar (Улаанбаатар) is the capital of Mongolia. It was called Urga until 1924.


Ulan Bator.

The city has been on the Tuukl River since 1778. At the beginning of independence in 1911, around 60,000 people lived here. Today there are over 1.3 million, about half of Mongolia's population.

getting there

By plane

1  Chinggis Khaan International Airport (Чингис Хаан Олон Улсын Нисэх Буудал), 18 kilometers southwest of the city. Chinggis Khaan International Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChinggis Khaan International Airport (Q16879278) in the Wikidata database.The largest and only international airport in Mongolia, comparatively small. Internationally, Mongolian Airlines fly mainly (MIAT). There are also connections to Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo. There are domestic flights to Dalanzadgad, Moron, Khovd, Bulgan Khovd other Arvaikheer. You can also get to Moscow Sheremetyevo (SVO) with Aeroflot. They have their base here too Aero Mongolia, Hunnu Air, the low-cost airline Eznis plus three Korean companies.

Since 2012 one is under construction 2  New Ulan Baator Airport. Completion of phase 1 was planned for 2019. It is unclear when the opening will actually take place. (Ulan Bator is not twinned with Berlin.).

By train

Ulaanbaatar is on the Trans-Mongolian Railway, a branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Beijing.

3 railway stationStation in the Wikipedia encyclopediaStation in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsStation (Q800161) in the Wikidata database Regional trains to, among others Dsamin-Üüd (Замын-Үүд), Zuunkharaa (Зүүнхараа) or Süchbaatar (Сүхбаатар).

4  International ticket office. Tel.: 97621244367.

Hotels near the train station are grouped, from the station forecourt to the left 250-300m on Narnii Rd., around the bend with the gas station:

  • 1  Sunrise Hotel, Narnii zam 25 (better middle class). Tel.: 97699066350.
  • 3  Best Western Gobi's Kelso. Price: high.
  • 4  Great Empire Hotel (striking lime green facade). Tel.: 97699104667.

By bus

Bus connections exist between the larger cities and also from Russia. The trip from Ulan Ude takes 12 hours and costs around 48,000 MNT / 1,000 rubles.

In the street

Ulan Bator sits like a spider in the middle of the Mongolian highway network.

North to the Russian border town Kjachta it is 350 km. The AH-3 trunk road continues south to the border Èrlián, from Ulan Bator it is 681 km. From there, the shortest route is 669 km to Beijing.


The expansion of the infrastructure has not kept pace with the rapid population growth since 1995. This means that in the only large city in the most sparsely populated country in the world there is a permanent traffic jam. On a daily basis, entry into the city is restricted to certain groups of numbers on the number plates.

There is a bus network. Single trip 500 ₮ or rechargeable UB Smart Card, which can be bought for 3600 ₮. It is allowed to change, the card must be held up to the reader when getting off the first bus, then again when getting on bus two. Trolleybuses serve lines 2, 4, 5 and 6.

During the Naadam-Fests in July buses are free.

Tourist Attractions

Gandan monastery.


  • 1  Mineral-geological collection (Part of the technical university)
  • 2  Central Museum of Mongolia (Монголын Үлэг Гүрвэлийн Төв Музей). Paleontological collection, lots of dinosaur models.Open: 9 am-6pm.
  • 3  National Museum (Үндэсний Музей, formerly "National Museum of Mongolian History"), 1 Juulchin Street. National Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNational Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNational Museum (Q2154176) in the Wikidata database.Open: Tue-Sat 9.00-18.00.
  • 4  Winter Palace of Bogd Khan (Богд Хааны Ордон Музей), Khan-Uul district, Chinggis avenue. Winter Palace of Bogd Khan in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWinter Palace of Bogd Khan in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryWinter Palace of Bogd Khan (Q1579833) in the Wikidata database.Erected in 1905 according to plans by a Russian architect. The only surviving of the original four residences of the eighth Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu, who was later proclaimed as the Bogd Khan or ruler of Mongolia.Open: Summer: daily 9 am-6pm, winter: Thu.-Sun. 10.00-17.00.
  • 5  Mongolia Art Gallery. Open: Wed.-Mon. 10.00-19.00.Price: Adults 8,000 ₮, photo or video permit extra.
  • 6  International Intellectual Museum (Оюун Ухааны Музей, IQ museum), Bayanzurkh district. Open: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00.Price: 8000 ₮.
  • G. Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts, Sambuu St. Art museum of ancient art.Open: 10.00-18.00.
  • Fine Arts Museum
  • 7  Ulaanbaatar City Museum (Улаанбаатар Хотын Музей)
  • Toy museum
  • Railway Museum (Монголын төмөр замын түүхийн музей). Open-air site with locomotives mainly of Soviet design.
  • Mongolian Theater Museum (Монголын Театрын Музей), on Süchbaatar Square.
  • 8  Mongolian Military Museum (Монгол Цэргийн Музей). Open: Wed.-Mon. 10.00-17.00.

Buddhist monasteries

  • 9  Gandan monastery (Гандантэгчинлэн хийд, Gandantegtschinlen Chiid, Gandantegchinlen Khiid) (west of the city center). Gandan Monastery in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGandan Monastery in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryGandan Monastery (Q965633) in the Wikidata database.Temple founded in 1727. Until the end of the Mongolian People's Republic, the Gandan Monastery was the only monastery in all of Mongolia where religious ceremonies were allowed. The most distinctive building is the white one Migjid Janraisig Süm, to the left the Buddhist seminary Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar. Here is the 26 meter high statue of the goddess Janraisig (Sanskrit: Avalokiteśvara) for which the monastery is famous.
  • 10  Choidschin Lama Temple Museum (Чойжин Ламын Сүм Музей, engl .: Choijin-Lama Temple). Choidschin Lama Temple Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTschoidschin Lama Temple Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChoidschin Lama Temple Museum (Q2093410) in the Wikidata database.Temple complex built between 1904 and 1908. From 1911, this was the seat of the official state oracle, which from then on proclaimed revelations and prophecies. Under monument protection since 1941. It now consists of five restored temples with collections of religious items. The holdings include, among other things, a larger collection of Cham dance masksIn summer there are folkloric performances.Open: Tue-Sat 10.00-16.30.

Squares and monuments

  • 11  Süchbaatar Square. Central, representative square, bounded by the parliament building in the north, next to which the national museum is to the west. On the east side of the square are the Heads of State and Ballet, the Theater Museum and the National Gallery of Modern Art (Монголын Уран Зургийн Галерей). The southern limit is the Genghis Khan Park with the Marco Polo statue.
  • 12  Dsaisan Memorial (Зайсан толгой). Dsaisan Memorial in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDsaisan Memorial in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryDsaisan Memorial (Q144444) in the Wikidata database.Hill with a memorial commemorating the Soviet soldiers who died in World War II. A Russian T-34 tank is not missing. You have a good panoramic view from the hill.


Every year around July 11th, the country's largest festival takes place, Naadam, instead of. The "three male competitions:" archery, horse racing and Mongolian wrestling match.

A city marathon is held in June.

State Opera Theater of Mongolia.jpg
The State Academic Theater of Drama in Mongolia.jpg
The national gallery of art - Mongolia.jpg
Opera theaterDrama theaterNational Art Gallery


In addition to many small shops for everyday shopping, there are also two state department stores directly on Peace Avenue (the main street).



There are several theaters in the city such as the State Playhouse, State Opera, Ballet, and Folk Song and Dance Ensemble.



  • Gobi Tours & Guesthouse (Close to the Bolod’s).
  • 5  Good Karma Hostel, at Lamrim Monastery, Zanabazar St. Tel.: 97699115961. Price: US $ 22 p.p .; Doubles: US $ 35-40.
  • 6  Ganas Ger, Gandan tuul 2-22. Tel.: 97699116960.



  • The Bayangol Hotel, Chinggis Khan Avenue 05, Ulaanbaatar 210643 (South of Sukhbaatar Square).
  • The Corporate Hotel, 9-2 Chinggis Avenue, Sukhbaatar District-1, Ulaanbaatar (South of Sukhbaatar Square).
  • Narantuul Hotel, 2 khoroo, Baruun Durvun zam.
  • Terelj International Resort and Spa Hotel, Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, Ulaanbaatar 211213.
  • 8  Ulaanbaatar Hotel (Улаанбаатар Зочид Буудал), Sukhbaatar Square-14, Ulaanbaatar 210645. Tel.: 97670116688, Email: . Price: single: 150,000, double: 180000-240000, presidential suite: 1,800,000; m.F.
  • 9  Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, Peace Ave 17, (Энх Тайваны Өргөн Чөлөө 17). Tel.: 97670100505. Vegas Night Club, Korean and Western restaurant, supermarket and AVIS car rental in the building.


  • National University of Mongolia
    • 13  Roerich's Shambhala Museum (Дом-музей семьи Рерихов). The one from the Russian Mongolist Nicholas Roerich inhabited wooden house behind the university.
  • National Medical University of Mongolia
  • Ulaanbaatar Medical College
  • American Center For Mongolian Studies



During the heating season, Ulan Bator has been the capital with the most unhealthy air since 2016.


Mean highest air temperature in ° C−16−10−1817222422167−6−14O5.8
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C−26−22−14−431012103−5−16−23O-6
Precipitation in mm1.Σ193.2

Practical advice

The one responsible for the extension of stays foreigners Authority is close to the airport and is relatively easy to get to by bus number 11 or 21. The buses are signposted with “Niseh” or “Нисэх”. Cost about 30-40 US $.

Diplomatic missions in Mongolia
  • 1  German embassy, Baga Toiruu - 2, United Nations Street 16, Ulan Bator 14201. Tel.: 976-11-319739, Fax: 49 30 1817 671 77. Open: Mon.-Fri. 9.00-12.00.
  • 2  Cooperation office of the Swiss embassy, Sky Plaza Business Center, Embassy Rd, Khoroo 1, Ulaanbaatar. Tel.: 976 11 331 422, Email: . Subordinated to the Swiss embassy in Beijing.


Gorchi Tereldsch National Park

The popular one north of the capital Gorchi Tereldsch National Park (Горхи-Тэрэлж) can be reached in about an hour. Accommodation can be found in the village of Dorf 1 Terenj (Тэрэлж).

The Khan Chentii Conservation Area borders in the north. The much larger, more northerly part of the national park is largely uninhabited and hardly accessible.

Chustain Nuruu National Park

Przewalski wild horses can be found in the Chustain Nuruu National Park (Хустайн нуруу дархан цаазат газар). Siberian elk, Mongolian gazelles, roe deer, argalis, Siberian ibex, wild boar, wolves, lynxes, manuls, steppe foxes, red foxes, badgers and marmots also occur in the 506 km² park. The park's 127 species of birds include golden eagles, bearded vultures and black storks.

Bogd Khan Uul

South of the city is the 2261 m high holy mountain Bogd Khan Uul (Богд хан уул) with the monastery 14 Manchir ChiidManchir Chiid in the Wikipedia encyclopediaManschir Chiid in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsManschir Chiid (Q148612) in the Wikidata database. In the extensive monastery area, the ruins of a total of 17 buildings can be made out, which are spread over a sloping terrain. The Bogd Khan Uul is considered to be the oldest continuously protected nature park in the world. Logging and hunting were forbidden as early as the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. e since 1996 the national park with an area of ​​67,300 hectares has been registered as a UNESCO biosphere reserve.

From the place 2 Dsuunmod hiking trails lead out to the summit. The hiking trails are less than an hour's drive from the UB and can be reached by taxi or public bus.


  • Batayev, Zolbaatar [* 1979]; Urbanization in Mongolia with special consideration of the Mongolian capital since the turn of the millennium; Dissertation Uni Augsburg 2013 [1]

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