Uzarzewo - Uzarzewo

Uzarzewo 1.jpg
RegionGreater Poland Voivodeship
Postal Code

Uzarzewo it is located 15 kilometers north-east of the center of Poznań, by the Piast Route, near a railway line and a road PoznanGnieznoBydgoszcz.


The easiest way to get there from Poznań is by commune buses Swarzędz - Wiraż Bus company. Courses from Poznań via Swarzędz and Kobylnica or via Janikowo and Kobylnica reach Uzarzewo from 8 (Sundays, public holidays) to 17 (working days) times a day. You can also take a train to Kobylnica and walk from there (3 km). An interesting alternative is access via a marked bicycle trail, starting in Poznan at Lake Malta (21 km). The easiest way for motorists to get there is road No. 5 in the direction of Gniezno / Bydgoszcz - turn right about 2 km after Kobylnica.



The main attraction of the village is the Nature and Hunting Museum in Uzarzewo, a branch of the Agricultural Museum in Szreniawa. It was established in 1977 and is located in a 19th-century palace situated in a 6 ha landscape park with about 1000 trees, including six natural monuments. The second historic building is the former stable - coach house, where there has been an exhibition of nature since the 1990s. The museum exhibition presents the history of hunting - the more recent ones, recreated thanks to excavations, and the newest - from the 20th century. The archaeological section shows the tools of the first hunters, old hunting techniques, as well as weapons, accessories and hunting trophies. In museum halls and in the hunting lounge, you can see art products inspired by hunting. In turn, in the stable-carriage house, game environments were shown - especially those typical of the old and modern Wielkopolska. Permanent exhibitions of the museum are:

  • From stone to crossbow
  • Ancient and modern methods of hunting
  • Hunting weapons and accessories
  • Hunting in art
  • Hunting trophies
  • Game animal habitats
  • How the seasons traveled around the world
  • Exotic trophies from the collection of Adam Smorawiński

In addition, temporary exhibitions and museum events are organized.

The museum is open:

  • in winter (November - March) from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and on weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • in summer (April - October) from Tuesday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and on weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

It is worth a try

The Hunting Museum invites you to take part in hunting picnics, organized annually on the second weekend, together with the Hunting Culture Commission operating at the District Board of the Polish Hunting Association in Poznań.


The Nature and Hunting Museum in Uzarzewo, ul. Akacjowa 12, Uzarzewo, 62-006 Kobylnica Telephone: 061 81 81 211

Nearest neighborhood

Uzarzewo is a great idea for a short stop while exploring the Piast Trail on the way to Lednogóra, Gniezno, Biskupin if Toruń. You can also go to a much closer one Zielonka Forest, wooden churches in Wierzenica and Kicin or the palace in Krześlice.

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