Vaccine - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Vaccin — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Medical disclaimerWikivoyage is not a doctor: the medical information provided on Wikivoyage is general in nature at best and cannot substitute for the advice of a legally authorized healthcare professional.

Vaccination is a process of creating a positive immune response against an infectious disease. It is necessary that your vaccines are always up to date and to follow the specific vaccination advice for each country (Advice for official travelers).

Vaccinations in adults

Usual vaccinations

  • Tetanus every 10 years
  • Polio every 10 years
  • Flu every year from the age of 65

Some specific vaccinations

  • Health professions: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, (BCG, typhoid, flu ...)
  • Restoration: hepatitis A
  • Wastewater contact: hepatitis A, leptospirosis
  • Military: meningococcus, hepatitis A, dTPolio ...
  • Travelers (depending on destination and vaccination status): dTpolio, typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.
  • Nosocomial: influenza, (pneumococcus)
  • Sexual exposure: hepatitis B, hepatitis A

Vaccination center

Apart from the usual circuit (family doctor), there are specialized centers for giving vaccines. These centers make it possible to avoid waiting for an appointment and have all the vaccines (provided that they are notified for specific vaccines).

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