Vendrell, The - Vendrell, El

El Vendrell is a city of Tarragona. El Vendrell is a city with a great historical heritage that also has excellent tourist facilities in the area of ​​the Coast that is called Comarruga. Comarruga was originally a neighborhood of El Vendrell, it is now almost a city in itself.


The area has an interesting cultural heritage that will surely interest you as the following points.

  • The museum house dedicated to the musician Pau Casals.
  • The Àngel Guimerà House-Museum is located in the old family home.
  • The Roman Arch of Bará one of the oldest monuments in Catalonia almost 2000 years old
  • The Museu Deu.
  • The castellers are one of the El Vendrell traditions that you should not miss. The Nens del Vendrell group was founded in 1926.


  • Enjoy Comarruga Beach with blue flag.
  • Diving in the Masía Blanca marine reserve.
  • Enjoy the medicinal waters of El Riuet and Estany


El Vendrell has an excellent offer of accommodation especially in the coastal area of ​​Comarruga with hotels such as the following