Hiking trail Kektura - Wandelroute Kektura

By the alias kektura (Hungarian for "Blue Route") becomes a trio Hungarianwalking routes who together mean a tour of the whole Hungary forms.

The oldest of the three tours is the Országos Kéktúra of Írottkő at kőszeg in northwestern Hungary to Holloháza in the north East. This path dates back to 1938 and would thus be the oldest in Europe; however, this is demonstrably incorrect, because in Germany alone there are many older hiking trails, including the Saar-Silesia Hiking Trail. The Országos Kéktura is 1128 km long. Subsequently, the Alföldi Kéktúra was added later, which extends the blue route over 848 km to Szekszárd in southwestern Hungary. The Rockenbauer Pál Dél-dunántúli Kéktúra comes full circle with 561 km in western Hungary. The entire route is blue (Turistajelzés Magyarország kék.svg) is marked on all Hungarian detailed maps and there are even special hiking atlases, in which the hiker can have where he has been stamped.

This article incorporates information from the Kektura Hiking Trail article on Wikipedia. See the page history there for the list of authors.
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