Hiking in the Negev at Sde Boker - Wandern im Negev bei Sde Boker

Hiking in the Negev at Sde Boker: Hiking routes in the area of ​​the upper Nahal Zin (Nahal Tsin) in the Negev desert in the southern Israel.

Hiking in Ein Avdat National Park


In the Negev desert in the upper / western area of ​​the down to the southern end of the Dead Sea Nahal Tsin or Wadi Zin can go around the place Sde Boker Several hiking tours can be undertaken, the starting points are near the road 40 mostly quite good with the private vehicle and reasonably accessible with the public bus.


View into Nahal Zin

The article provides information about the preparations for tours in the Israeli desert Hiking in Israel.

Water / food

  • On all tours there must be a sufficient Beverage supply be carried. Purchased still or carbonated water in PET bottles is one option, and tea is another. In addition to the well-known drinking bottles, there are also drinking bags with valves that fold up when you drink empty, insulated drinking vessels and - quite popular in Israel - drinking systems with a water supply in a small backpack with a drinking tube with a valve.
The tap water has drinking water quality in Israel, often leaves a slightly chlorine aftertaste. In the visitor centers of the INPA (the Israeli National Park Administration) there are practically always drinking water points in the sanitary facilities, partly chilled drinking water dispensers where bottles can be filled.
  • it is best to ask the national park ranger about the water requirement, who can also provide information on the difficulty of the intended route, a rule of thumb
    • at the cold days or if most of the route is in the shade, you can count on at least 3 liters of water per person per day
    • at cool days in autumn, winter and spring, with 4.5 l of water daily
    • at warm days (without extreme heat), add 6 liters per person per day Hardcore walks in the hot summer in the desert, the need is even higher; it's best to avoid the midday heat anyway and leave early in the morning.
For a half-day tour you can get by with around 2 - 3 liters of drinking water. If you lose a lot of fluids through sweating, you should always think about the associated loss of salt, and you should think about an adequate supply of salt (for example in the form of broth or crackers with salt).
  • Catering must also be carried with you, in the sense of "no trace hiking", no waste may be left behind in the desert, which for example attracts wild animals. Fruits, dried fruits, nuts and savory biscuits washed before the start of the tour are good options.
  • a little cash is advisable in order to be able to buy an ice cream or a sweet drink at least while waiting for the bus at the end point ...


  • When choosing clothing, find out about the expected temperatures based on the weather forecast.
  • Sun protection is a must for all walks in Israel. Especially visitors with fair skin type - without adequate sun protection - will inevitably suffer a severe sunburn, a product with at least one Sun protection factor 30 is recommended.
  • to avoid heat build-up ("heat stroke"), it is advisable to to wear a hat. Especially popular are models with good coverage of the ears and the neck region, which are available in the shops of the national park administration everywhere.
  • the Footwear should be selected according to the soil conditions on the planned tour. Will be used for most hikes walking boots recommended, for tours on which bodies of water are crossed or without rocky areas, are recommended Trekking sandals.
  • it is recommended Swimming trunks to be carried if the route passes a watercourse.

further equipment

  • high quality Hiking maps are offered in the national park shops or on the Internet, these are only labeled in Hebrew, but are very helpful together with an overview map with the colored route markings.
  • the English speakingSde Boker Desert Map of shvil.net 1: 50,000 is available in the national park shop in Sde Boker, Avdat or Mizpe Ramon and is extremely helpful. Here, too, all routes are provided with the corresponding color markings.
  • In the sparsely populated desert regions, a GPS hiking navigation device does a good job. The English-language maps of shvil.net are available, for example, as grid maps for the TwoNav navigation devices (with compass and altimeter) and also for the CompeGPS Land software, which is suitable for smartphones with GPS functionality.
  • Marked hiking trails along gorges and cliffs are almost always secured in Israel and provided with climbing aids (ladders or steel steps).
  • a small LED flashlight is useful when you want to explore caves or cisterns, binoculars are used to observe birds of prey.


View into Nahal Zin from Midreshet Ben Gurion
Nubian ibex in the Nahal Zin

Around Sde Boker, the Negev desert is characterized by wadis (Nahal) that slope down to the main valley of the Nahal Tsin in the summer / autumn months, and in between there are flat plateaus and mountainous elevations with sometimes steep slopes, from the peaks there are great views.

Flora and fauna

In the winter and spring months, various plants bloom in the desert and the (evergreen) bushes and thorn bushes appear in a fresher green than in the summer months (from May) and in autumn.

Nubian ibexes can be seen again and again, especially in the dry months they come at dusk, when the nature reserve is quiet, to the watering holes with the vegetation (and also graze in the park around the grave of D. Ben Gurion, if you didn't see any in the desert during the day); In spring, when there is more food available, the animals are less likely to come close to the settlements. Vultures can be seen on the steep walls, and numerous birds seek the shade of ledges or the trees and bushes in the wadis. Binoculars are helpful for determining. There are snakes and scorpions, especially when rashing under boulders and dead wood, it is important to be careful.


In the arid desert climate, the maximum temperatures in the winter months are around 12-15 degrees, at night 5-7 ° C, in summer a maximum of 30-34 ° C during the day and 18-20 degrees at night. Rainfall practically only occurs in the winter months, according to the website of the Israel Meteorological Service warnings about the danger of flash floods caused by downpours are published in the canyon-like gorges; if necessary, ask the national park rangers about dangers.

getting there

From the main street 40 drive into the nature reserve at the roundabout in front of Midreshet Ben Gurion. If you have a route in Nahal Tsin as a hiking destination on the 1 Barrier at the entrance to the park, no entry fee is due. Plan a hike in the nature reserve to the headwaters An avdat the ticket must be purchased here at the driveway, at the actual 2 The park entrance is then validated. For hikes in the area of ​​Mount Tzaror you can use the 3 Gravel road a little north of Midreshet to Ben Gurion Sde Tsin Camping Area and Tsin Ascent also drive with the car to the campsite area.

Fees / permits

Only for visiting the National Park of An avdat (En Ovdat) an access fee of 29/15 NIS (2015) has to be paid, the two-week INPA pass for tourists allows entry.


The streets with double solid lines on the map can be driven with the car (including to the Serpentine Camping Area and the park entrance of Ein Avdat), those with the solid - dashed line are mostly drivable with a car with a little ground clearance and appropriate caution, the double Dashed lines represent gravel roads that can be traversed by four-wheeled vehicles with large ground clearance (but are easy to drive on a mountain bike). In the entire nature reserve, only appropriately marked slopes may be used, it is forbidden to drive over the edges of the slopes marked with boulders into the terrain.

Simple, dashed routes can be hiked on foot; Prohibition signs for bicycles indicate that the route by bike is usually impassable in reality.


Ein Avdat Lower Pools
An avdat: Mesopotamian poplars
Ein Avdat: View into the gorge
An Avdat: Upper Entrance with Byzantine. tower

Ein Avdat (Loop Trail, approx. 2 x 1 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

The centerpiece of the Ein Avdat National Park (En Avedat, Ein Ovdat) is the path from the park entrance in the canyon floor to the poplar grove. The Short trail measures approx. 1 km over a distance, the way back must be covered on the same route. The park administration reckons with 1 - 2 hours for the circular route, in addition to 45 - 60 minutes walking time, time is also included for observing nature. Swimming in the various water basins in the park area is not permitted!

  • After validating the ticket at the park entrance (the car can be parked on the asphalt car park with little shade), you can walk past picnic tables and toilet facilities on an easy walk סימון כחול.jpg blue and white marked footpath into the gorge. At the park entrance 1 Palm trees and the A bog Source, in summer the little water in the Nahal dries up after a short distance.
  • The footpath leads past rocks (gerbils can be seen here in places between the rocks) and a large one 2 atlantic terebinth past.
  • The path leads to the wadi on flat water surfaces on the rocky canyon floor, over an artificially created one 3 Stone dam, which damms the water below the waterfall in a basin, the stream can be crossed and you can get to the foot of the waterfall with the "Lower Pools" (swimming is prohibited).
  • you go back a little on the way, the climb to the right begins 4 upper cliff of the Waterfalls. Sometimes there are steps in the rock and it is difficult to cross on the narrow path.
  • In flat terrain, the path leads back in the gorge base and then crosses the stream again. The circular route ends with a small population of 5 Mesopotamian poplars; behind are the Upper pools and the A Ma'arif source, however, access to the wadi is no longer permitted.
  • From here the way back is to be taken the same way, if you do not want to take the "one-way route" with the ascent to the upper parking lot.

Ein Avdat (ascent to Upper Entrance, 1.6 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Anyone who also wants to master the ascent to the upper park entrance with the spectacular viewing platforms must be informed that the ascent via iron ladders through the rock face of the canyon is in the sense of a One-way regulation only has to be completed in the ascent direction. So you either have to organize a return opportunity from the upper park entrance to the starting point or prepare for a longer circular hike.

  • the first kilometer from the park entrance to the poplar grove corresponds to the one described above.
  • from Poplar grove the path leads quickly uphill in a few zigzag curves. The ascent is partly made easier with steps cut into the rock, the sides of the path are secured over large stretches with waist-high side walls so that they are also safe for children to walk on.
  • a side path leads to one carved into the rock 6 Hermit's cave from Byzantine times
  • about one of 7 Iron ladder the path then leads upwards (suitable for school children), climbs up the rock face in serpentines accompanied by small walls and leads again over a short iron ladder until the viewing platforms of the upper park entrance are reached.
  • here are the 8 Ruins of a tower probably seen from Byzantine times. A footpath leads to the parking lot at the upper park entrance.
  • However, the one that can be reached in just a few steps is still worth seeing 9 Lookout point, from where you can see the top of the gorge with the "Upper Pools" and the source En Ma'arif Spring can see in the canyon floor.

From the upper parking lot you have to organize the return to the starting point. Either you could park a second vehicle here before, you take the 800 m footpath to road 40 and from there go back to the entrance of Midreshet Ben Gurion by bus or hitchhiker and then you have to walk down into the valley to get to the To reach the starting point, or you plan a longer round tour through the Nahal Havarim back to the starting point.

Round trip Ein Avdat - Han Hashayarot - Nahal Havarim (11.5 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Nahal Havarim

Since Ein Avdat only allows the ascent to the upper park entrance, you either have to organize a ride to return to the starting point or set out on a longer round tour (which the park ranger considers not suitable for less experienced hikers, but not for experienced hikers poses excessive challenges).

  • it is best to take the way down to Nahal Zin with your own vehicle (and at the end of the tour save yourself the sweaty ascent to Midreshet Ben Gurion in the afternoon sun) and park at the campsite Serpentine Camping Area, the barrier to the lower entrance of the Ein Avdat National Park is closed at 4:00 pm / 3:00 pm and you are under time pressure or you can no longer leave the park area and drive back to Midreshet Ben Gurion.
  • The 1.5 km on the paved access road to the lower park entrance of Ein Avdat Park are not very varied, at the park entrance the previously purchased ticket must be validated.
  • As described above, you take the route that is usually followed up to the poplar grove on the bottom of the gorge (approx. 1 km) and then climb the secured with small walls and iron ladders Ascent route through the rock face of the canyon to the upper park entrance (0.6 km).
  • on the asphalt access road you go to the intersection with road 40, shortly before you go to a shaded one 10 Resting place under a stock of trees Dirt road to the north, which runs parallel to the main road. You go around the Camel farm of 11 Han HaShayarot and arrives at the סימון אדום.jpg red and white marked gravel road to the top of the 12 Nahal Havarim (3.4 km).
  • the סימון אדום.jpg The red and white marked path now descends into Nahal Havarim, this becomes increasingly narrow and shows a winding course. After a good 2 km, the red-marked path climbs to the north, the one in the bottom of the gorge 13 continuing route is now סימון ירוק.jpg Marked in green and white.
  • after another 800 m comes from the left the 14 סימון כחול.jpg blue and white marked path that continues in the gorge base. The blue-white path comes from the "Nahal Havarim Camping Area" near the main road and leads past the ancient cistern to unite with the path here.
  • after a passage in the narrow rocky canyon, the path leads past a narrow cave, the valley widens. A black and white marked secondary route branches off to the right and crosses a ridge to meet the access road shortly before the lower entrance to the Ein Avedat National Park 15 סימון ירוק.jpg green and white marked route climbs in Nahal Karkash up to the intersection of road 40 and the access road to Midreshet Ben Gurion.
  • The סימון כחול.jpg The blue and white marked path ends at the access road to Ein Avdat Park on the 16 Crossroads near the Serpentine Camping Area, the recommended starting point for the tour.

Round trip Divshon Ascent - Ein Akev (12.7 km) Hiking-Sign-T3.png

Divshon Ascent
An aqev

The starting point is from Midreshet Ben Gurion Serpentine Camping Area at the asphalt driveway to the lower entrance of the Ein Avdat National Park; access is free if you indicate the tour as your destination at the barrier in Midreshet Ben Gurion. Don't forget your swimwear!

  • aסימון ירוק.jpg green and white marked trail (5.8 km to Ein Akev) Divshon Ascent rises rapidly towards the south by almost 150 meters in altitude on one 17 Mountain ridge and you reach the higher plateau, beautiful view over to Midreshet Ben Gurion.
  • on the Divshon plateau you can already see the dwellings of Bedouins from afar, the path leads along the cliff with you 18 dried up waterfall.
  • the path leads along the plateau, right next to one 19 Bedouin pub past; when the "landlady" is at home, you can eat flatbread, Techina and tea that has been prepared over the fire for approx. 25 NIS, otherwise the cell phone number is posted ...
  • the path now crosses the Nahal Divshon and then runs eastward between two elevations, one reaches the 20 Horseshoe waterfall (Horseshoe Waterfall), where water tumbles down into a deep canyon after rains in the winter months. In summer everything is dry, the view and the bright rocks with traces of erosion are worth seeing in every season.
  • over a 21 cliff with a view of Nahal Akev the path runs steeply down, "goat paths" testify to the presence of the Ibex resp. Nubian Ibex. One reaches the level of Nahal Akev and can look down from a cliff to the spring ponds of Ein Akev, in summer one can hear the noise of the splashing bathers.
  • some iron steps embedded in the cliff allow the descent down to the spring ponds of 22 An Akev. Here, even in summer, fresh spring water drips from the rocks, around the rocks an oasis with reeds and some woody plants has formed. In the An Akev Pools Bathing is allowed, which the Israelis like to take advantage of on festive days, despite the ban, some young people jump from the rocks into the cool water.

The hike back is not very demanding in terms of hiking.

  • the now סימון כחול.jpg The blue and white marked path (2.8 km to the junction) leads north in Nahal Akev.
  • soon one reaches one that can be reached by four-wheeled vehicles 23 parking spot, where Israeli families parked their off-roaders on a family outing. The gravel road with the accompanying סימון כחול.jpg The blue and white marked path leads north, it is only drivable for all-wheel drive vehicles with good ground clearance.
  • at Mishtachim Levanim Campsite you can reach the 24 crossing with the סימון אדום.jpg red and white marked piste (another 4 km), which - also only accessible for vehicles with good ground clearance - leads back to the starting point at the Serpentine Camping Area without great differences in altitude in Nahal Zin.

The Israeli hikers like to stay here at the weekend in order to leave quickly in the morning and get the ascent of the Divshon Ascent behind them before the maximum midday heat.
If you want to avoid the ascent on the green-marked route, you can also hike on the red-white and later blue-white marked gravel road to the Ein Akev source and back on the same path, but miss the spectacular views of the route leading over the Divshon plateau.

Ascent of Hod Akev (575 m) from Wadi Zin (round trip 10 km) Hiking-Sign-T5.png

Ascent to the Hod Akev
Ascent to the summit
View to the summit

The Hod Akev is a prominent elevation above the Wadi Zin; the conical peak can be seen clearly from Midreshet Ben Gurion.

A first problem is the access to the starting point: the slopes in Wadi Zin can only be used with all-terrain all-wheel drive vehicles; if you are traveling in a normal private car, the way there and back must be added to the hiking route. One way is to go from Midreshet to Ben Gurion 1 Sde Zin Campground to drive and about that סימון שחור.jpg hike down the black and white marked slope of the Zin Ascent into the Nahal Zin. The alternative is to take a private vehicle from the Ein Avdat National Park entrance to Serpentine Campground go down and on the סימון אדום.jpg hike down the red and white marked piste down Wadi Zin until you come to the intersection with the blue and white marked route, where you can start the round trip.

  • from the starting point, the 25 crossing the slope of the Zin Ascent with the סימון כחול.jpg The blue and white route that comes from Ein Akev is first followed by the now סימון ירוק.jpg Green and white marked runway in Wadi Zin further east (0.8 km) until a 26 signpost the סימון אדום.jpg The red and white route of the ascent to Hod Akev is marked. A little further east is that 2 Hod Akev Campgroundwhere to stay overnight before the tour starts; however, access is only possible with off-road vehicles.
  • the סימון אדום.jpg marked red and white Ascent route to Hod Akev branches off at right angles from the slope and soon begins to climb on a gravel cone.
  • the following route is conditional good surefootedness and on the last few meters Head for heights: the route initially curves to the left and then swings onto the ridge that protrudes into the Wadi Zin as an extension of an imposing rock outcrop. The route leads up to the ridge 27 Foot of the rock outcrop, there begins some climbing over the chalk-white rocks.
  • At the foot of the rock face, the route leads upwards on the right edge of the rock face, some steps have been cut out of the rock, the gravel is a bit slippery, but iron clips have been attached to hold on to.
  • the path turns right around the 28 Outcrop around, the last three meters of the rock face you have to climb steeply on iron steps and you can pull yourself over the edge at the top - and stand on a wide one 29 pot levels plateauon which the Hod Akev rises.
  • the red and white path marked as "National Trail" goes around the summit on the left, resp. in the East. The rise to 30 Summit of Hod Akev (575 m) itself is marked green and white. The path in the scree (0.5 km) is a bit exposed, but technically at most of medium difficulty.
  • On the Hod Akev you can walk on a 10 m wide plain Summit plateau Rest comfortably, the descent leads to a similar degree of difficulty to the southeast, in the scree resp. Gravel requires some surefootedness.
  • the descent now describes a wide arc above one 31 Rockfall and then comfortably leads down a wadi. This is reached after approx. 3 km 32 Wadi Aqev and the סימון כחול.jpg blue and white route to the water point of 33 An aqev. You can also swim here in the summer months, you just have to make sure that you have to start from here by 3 p.m. at the latest in order to be able to leave the park area before dark (afterwards, staying in the park area outside the tent sites is no longer permitted ), the park rangers alert you when time is of the essence.
  • on the סימון כחול.jpg The blue and white marked path now goes back north in Wadi Aqev, soon it will be 34 parking spot where the ATVs for visitors to Ein Aqev are parked. From here you can get to the סימון כחול.jpg blue-white slope past the 3 Mishtachim Levanim Campground back to the intersection with the red and white slope that comes from Ein Avdat and to the starting point.

Technically, the ascent to the Hod Aqev plateau is moderately difficult, it exists Risk of falling, Surefootedness and Head for heights are a prerequisite, the path is well marked everywhere and secured with iron steps / clamps, steps and handles are partly cut into the rock.
The ascent is certainly not suitable for children and young people with a lack of concentration; if you still want to get to the summit, the route described as the descent from Ein Aqev is easier to follow.
The path is part of the Israel National Trail signposted, but the Inspection only in north-south direction and without heavy luggage recommended. With a trekking backpack, the descent into Wadi Zin via the described ascent route is not safe, but it is more comfortable to walk on the gravel road described as the way back from the Ein Aqev water point.

Round trip Nahal Zin - Ein Zik - Ein Shaviv - Ein Akev Hiking-Sign-T2.png, 17 km approach

A Zik campground
A zik
A shaviv, picnic area

The starting point for the circular hike is the parking lot at Sde Zin Campgorund, which is on the black-and-white marked slope that north of Midreshet Ben Gurion from the road 40 going off, with which Privatweagen can be reached. An alternative is the beginning of Serpentine Campground south of the entrance to Ein Avdat National Park. Owners of off-roaders can drive down the Zin Ascent into Wadi Zin and can shorten the somewhat monotonous approach.
A highlight of the circular hike, in addition to the views of Wadi Zin, is the opportunity to swim in the Ein Akev waterhole.

  • from the start of the tour at Sde Zin Campground east of Midreshet Ben Gurion take the first סימון שחור.jpg black and white marked gravel road des 35 Zin Ascentto get down to Wadi Zin (or Tzin). On the right there is a beautiful view of the Hod Akev, on the left you can see Mount Tzaror at the exit of the blue-white route. You stay on the for almost 6 km סימון ירוק.jpg marked green and white 36 piste in Wadi Zin. The slope follows the Oil route, which runs straight through the Negev along the Eilat oil pipeline, then the path turns right to 4 A Zik campground from.
  • one arrives soon after 37 A zik , the palm trees in the valley floor in the desert fit the picture of an oasis from the children's book. Birds and other animals can often be seen around the palm trees, reeds and other plants.
  • After a further 15 minutes, the slope that can be used with off-road vehicles ends here, you get to the oasis of 38 A Shaviv. Here, surrounded by reeds, palm trees and a population of Mesopotamian poplars, the path divides. A black and white marked path leads south, the Israel National Trail in the direction Eilat following.
  • for the round tour, after a rest near the transverse poplar trunks, take the סימון כחול.jpg blue and white marked route (the Israel National Trail leads here in the direction of Ein Akev) through the undergrowth. Soon you will reach a first plateau, here you can encounter an ibex. The 39 path leads over the plateau and then climbs over a rock face to a next plateau. At a crossroads, the short detour is worthwhile 40 Cliff from which there is a great view of Wadi Zin.
  • the path now splits, either you can follow the blue and white marked path (along the INT) Upper Ein Akev reach. Or you take that סימון ירוק.jpg green and white marked path and one arrives 41 Mountain flank along to a wide plain with a great view of Hod Aqev. A steep but easily accessible path now takes place over a rock face 42 descent down to An Akev. The waterhole, where you can take a dip all year round, can be reached quickly via a few iron clamp steps that descend over a short rock face.
  • In the winter months you have to leave by 3 p.m. at the latest in order to be able to reach the national park entrance before dark. On the סימון כחול.jpg The blue-and-white marked path takes you quickly to the off-roader parking lot, from which the blue-white slope leads to Wadi Zin.
  • Depending on the starting point, take the blue and white route at the next intersection to get to Zin Ascent, or the red and white route to the Serpentine Campground at the Ein Avdat park entrance.

The round tour with its 17 km plus the approach path from the Serpentine Campground (two paths of 4.5 km) or the Zin Fortress (a little closer) is just feasible for experienced hikers as a day tour; It is easier if you can cover part of the route to the starting point with an off-roader.

Round tour Ben Gurion's Tomb - Zin Fortress (6.7 km) HikingSign-Europe-Easy.svg

Zin Fortress

The 6.7 km long, clearly arranged circular hike can be started at the Sde Boker Field School of Midreshet Ben Gurion or in the park at the tomb of D. Ben Gurion and leads over a plateau to a lookout point above the Nahal Tsin (Wadi Zin, different spellings) .

  • From the place you go through the park belonging to the nature reserve to the סימון ירוק.jpg green and white marked footpath along the cliff into Nahal Zin and arrives at 43 Burial place of David Ben Gurion and his wife, the view of Nahal Zin and Ein Avdat is terrific. In the dry months, numerous ibexes can be seen here in the evening hours, some of which graze on the grass in the park.
  • the סימון ירוק.jpg The green and white marked path leads 44 cliff along to the east, again and again glimpses of the steeply sloping side valleys of the Nahal Zin emerge, opposite you can see the hikers on the Divshon Ascent ascending the mountain.
  • the path meets on the level with the סימון אדום.jpg red and white marked route and 45 goes back to the right at an angle to lead to a ledge. This is where it starts 46 Sculpture park a distinctive accent in the desert above the Nahal Zin.
  • the now סימון אדום.jpg The red and white marked path leads back a short distance and then turns north to the square of the walls 47 Tsin Fortress (or Zin Fort).
This is right next to the crossroads with the off-roader slope leading down to Nahal Zin (marked black and white) and the blue and white route to Mount Tsaror 48 Sde Tsin Camping Area, You can pitch your tent at night in the national park area on the graveled place without any infrastructure; Everything necessary for life must be brought with you, no residues may be left behind - the Israelis are masters in "leave no trace camping".
  • from there the סימון אדום.jpg red and white marked route back to Midreshet Ben Gurion; you can enter the fenced place through a gate on the north side and cross the place with the manicured gardens or turn south to the green and white route along the cliffs to get back to the park by the tomb of Ben Gurion.

This route with no significant difference in altitude can also be followed in reverse order, you are free to choose the starting point and you can also drive to the campsite on the gravel road and start from there.

Round trip around Mount Zaror (7.5 km) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Mount Zaror
Acacia in Nahal Zaror

Starting from the Sde Tsin Camping Area (a destination of the last tour) you can hike around the imposing Mount Zaror (Tzaror) in a good 7.5 km, if you choose the route described above as the approach / return route, the result is a good 14 km je nach Witterungsbedingungen eine knappe Tagestour.

  • the סימון כחול.jpg blau-weiss markierte 49 Weg führt zunächst entlang einem eingezäunten Gelände der Naturparkorganisation (hier werden die Geier aus der Schlucht von Ein Avdat gefüttert) entlang und steigt dann an der Flanke des Mount Zaror an. Nach der 50 Kreuzung mit der rot-weiss markierten Piste führt der Weg nach rechts und über einen schmalen 51 Grat aus schneeweissem Kalkstein. Dahinter kann man einen kurzen Abstecher machen und den Mount Tzaror besteigen, es bietet sich eine grossartige Rundsicht.
  • der Weg führt nun in nordöstlicher Richtung um den Berg herum und beginnt im Nahal Zaror (Wadi Tzaror) langsam abzusteigen.
  • an einer Bergflanke erkennt man unter der Klippe ein grünlich schimmerndes Wasserloch, das erst in den Hochsommermonaten austrocknet. Der Weg führt zunächst auf einem Kamm bergabwärts und macht dann einen Abstecher zum 52 Wasserloch, in dem gut einen Meter tiefen Wasser kann der Wanderer Abkühlung finden.
  • weiter führt der Weg im Nahal Zaror abwärts, an einer gewaltigen schattenspendenden 53 Akazie vorbei und erreicht die schwarz-weiss markierte Piste ins Nahal Zin.
  • on the סימון שחור.jpg schwarz-weiss markierten für Offroader fahrbaren Schotterpiste führt der Weg geradlinig und zuletzt steil ansteigend zu Ausgangspunkt beim Sde Tsin Camping Area zurück.

In de Winter- resp. Frühlingsmonaten kann man auf dieser Wanderung eine prächtige Wüstenflora geniessen, im Sommer sind die Pflanzen und Sträucher weitgehend ausgetrocknet.


  • in Midreshet Ben Gurion gibt es einen kleinen Lebensmittelladen, in den Shops der Nationalparkverwaltung bei Midreshet Ben Gurion und beim Upper Entrance des Ein Avedat National Park sind Getränke, Snacks und Eis erhältlich.



Serpentine Campsite im Nahal Zin
Karte von Wandern im Negev bei Sde Boker

In Midreshet Ben Gurion sind Fremdenzimmer in verschiedenen Guesthouses zu finden, die 5 Sde Boker Field School bietet Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten, ebenso die 6 Han Hashayarot Kamelfarm.


Auf den Zeltplätzen der 7 Serpentine Camping Area, dem 8 Nahal Havarim Campsite und der 9 Mishtachim Levanim Camping Area kann die Nacht im Nationalparkgebiet verbracht werden. Die Zeltplätze sind geschotterte mit Steinbrocken abgegrenzte Plätze ohne jeglichen Komfort, Trinkwasser und Verpflegung muss mitgebracht werden und die Abfälle sind mitzunehmen, die Übernachtung ist kostenlos.


Bzgl. Kriminalität ist die Sicherheitslage völlig unbedenklich, Diebstähle und auch Fahrzeugaufbrüche kommen in den Wandergebieten im Nationalparkgebiet wohl kaum vor (höchstens auf den Parkplätzen mit hohem Besucheraufkommen, wenn man Wertgegenstände offen sichtbar im Wagen präsentiert...); nachts ist die Zufahrt ins Parkgebiet gesperrt, man darf sich nur in den ausgewiesenen Zeltplatzarealen aufhalten.

Gefahr droht eher durch natürliche Bedrohungen, allen voran die glühende Sonnenhitze an Sommertagen in der Wüste mit nur minimalem Schattenangebot (Hitzschlag, Trinkwassermangel), Sturmfluten bei in der Wüste sehr seltenen aber gelegentlich doch massiven Regenfällen, welche die Rinnsale in den Wadis zu reissenden Bächen anschwellen lassen können. Heimtückisch ist vor allem Regenfall in einem weiter flussaufwärts gelegenen Teil einer Schlucht, der auch bei blauem Himmel im Wandergebiet Bäche zu Flüssen anschwellen lassen kann - Wetterprognosen und Regenradar bei entsprechender Prognose konsultieren (Wintermonate).

Auf den bezeichneten Wanderwegen, die an schwierigen Stellen mit Eisentritten, Leitern oder Geländern gesichert sind, ist die Absturzgefahr gering, dennoch kann man vielerorts unvermittelt an einer Klippe über einem Abgrund stehen - Kleinkinder dürfen auf jeden Fall nicht unbeaufsichtigt herumtollen.

Im Zweifelsfall soll eine beabsichtigte Tour immer mit den Parkrangern an der Zufahrt in Midreshet Ben Gurion abgesprochen werden; im Zweifelsfall wird immer zu Vorsicht geraten.


  • tolle Möglichkeiten für Wanderungen im Wüstengebiet ergeben sich auch in den Gebieten des Makhtesh Ramon, des grossen und kleinen Makhtesh und an den Abhängen zum Toten Meer.

Literatur / Kartenmaterial

  • Sde Boker Desert Map 1:50'000, Shvil.net, ca. 40 NIS
  • Negev Highlands Bike and Single Trails Map 1:25'000, Shvil.net-Karte mit engl. Bezeichnungen
  • Trail Map Sde Boker 1:50'000, Karte mit engl. Bezeichnungen von Shvil.net, wird am Nationalparkeingang abgegeben
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