Wdzydze Kiszewskie - Wdzydze Kiszewskie

Wdzydze Kiszewskie is a small village in Kashubia in Poland.

Get in

Get around

A car is the easiest way to get around. There are bus stops in Wdzydze Kiszewskie, but buses only come every few hours, providing about 5 services per day. From Gdansk, you must take a bus to Koscierzyna, then on to Wdzydze Kiszewskie.


  • Kaszubski Park Etnograficzny/Kashubian Ethnographic Park, 83-406 Wąglikowice, 48 5 8686 1130, fax: 48 5 8686 1288, . Located on the banks of the Gołuń lake and contains a range of structures representing regional architecture. After Kashubian families moved from the area to escape poverty or older people died, their homes or community buildings were donated and relocated to this village; in this way, the museum showcases the traditional culture of the Kashubians. As of late June 2011 there was no written information available in English and only one English-speaking staff person, making understanding the museum very difficult. However, communication is possible in German or Polish.






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