Woolka - Wolleka

Woolka ·ወለቃ·וולקה
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Woolka, also Weleka, Woleka, Wool qa, is a village northeast of Gondar in the Amhara region in Northern Ethiopia. On the one hand, it is the main settlement area of ​​the Beta Israel, the Ethiopian Jews, also called Falascha, and on the other hand the location of the Plowshare Womens Crafts Training Center to support single mothers.


Nowadays only a handful of Jews live here. The ceramics for which they were known are only half-heartedly made for tourists.

getting there


Tourist Attractions

  • synagogue. In addition to the now abandoned synagogue, some of the former houses can still be visited.
  • 1  Plowshare Womens Crafts Training Center (Single Mother Project). The project provides single women with a craft training course.(12 ° 38 '32 "N.37 ° 28 ′ 35 ″ E)






Practical advice



  • Faitlovitch, Jacques: Across Abyssinia: my second trip to the Falaschas. Berlin: Poppelauer, 1910.
  • Lindahl, Bernhard: Local history of Ethiopia : Wel Wel - Wemetu. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2005, Pp. 9-11. Internet publication.
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