Zaan - Zaan

Zaan, taken from the Julianabrug in the north of the Zaanse Schans.

The Zaan was originally a moorland that ran from the Starnmeer to the IJ proceeded.

Today it is a 19 km long watercourse that runs through the municipality Zaanstad in the region Zaanstreck in North Holland flows: from Oost- and West-Knollendam in the north to Dam in Zaandam in the south.

From the dam on the watercourse is called Voorzaan and forms the connection with the North Sea Canal.


The Uylbrug near Zaandam

From north to south there are the following bridges:

  • Clausbrug (Wormer)
  • Zaanbrug (Wormerveer - Wormer)
  • Julianabrug (Zaandijk - Zaanse Schans)
  • Coenbrug (A8 motorway)
  • Willem Alexanderbrug (Koog aan de Zaan - Zaandam)
  • Bernhardbrug (Zaandam)
  • Beatrixbrug (Zaandam)
  • Wilhelminabrug (Zaandam)
  • Joop den Uylbrug (Zaandam)

All bridges are suitable for motor vehicles.


  • Wormerveer - Zaanse Schans - Zaandam Motor ship for pedestrians. Runs from May 1st to October 1st Fri-Sun, see Zaanhopper.

Departure from Wilhelminaschleuse in Womerveer

10.00 Oberhaupt north side Wilhelminaschleuse
10.10 Verkade Chocoladefabrik quay
10.30 am Zaanse Schans
10:50 Wormer warehouse Batavia at Veerdijk
11.00 a.m. Zaanbogen Marktstraat
11.10 Wormer at Lagerhaus Batavia at Veerdijk
11.30 am Zaanse Schans
11.50 am Köschkai Verkade Chocoladefabrik
12.00 head north side Wilhelminaschleuse

This lap is driven every 2 hours from 10 a.m. The last trip ends at 6 p.m. at the Wilhelminaschleuse in Wormerveer.

Price per zone € 1.50, one way € 6.00, return € 12.00.

  • Zaandijk - Zaanse Schans Bonte Hen Foot ferry, rowing boat with outboard motor. Tel: 075-6282076 (M. Metselaar), 075-6281719 (Y. Delorme).

Operates from May to September Mon-Sun 10: 00-17: 00 between Zaandijk, Gerrit-Honig-Schleuse, and Zaanse Schans, "De Bonte Hen" windmill. Bicycles are only transported if there is space.

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