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The Salvation Islands are 3 islands located off the coast of Kourou, in Guyana.

Salvation Islands (from left to right Ile Saint-Joseph, Ile Royale, Ile du Diable


The Salvation Islands are made up of 3 islands:

  • Isle Royale
  • Saint-Joseph Island
  • Devil's Island

To go

On a boat

Since Kourou, shuttles provide regular connections to the Islands (h path). You have the choice between the classic shuttle (approximately 40  Round trip per person) or catamarans: Hulotte, Royal Tipunch or Tropic Alizé (approximately 60  A / R per person). The catamarans offer a warmer and more friendly welcome, with free punch and sunbathing on the deck. They take you to sail if the winds allow it, if not to the motor.

  • The Tropic Alizé provides breakfast, ti-punches and shuttles on request to bring back on the boat for a drink. It also offers nocturnal returns. Very good service.
  • La Hullote (594 32 33 81) embarks at h in the morning. Very nice. You can also camp overnight on Île Saint-Joseph (bring your equipment).


  • The walks are done on foot, on all the islands except Devil's Island which is closed to the public.
  • A shuttle provides regular connections between Île Saint-Joseph and Île Royale ( or presentation of the ticket for those who came by catamaran).



There are a lot of coconuts. You can eat the ones that have just fallen to the ground (green). Don't forget your machete ...

On Île Royale, an inn restaurant has a fish soup specialty (very good). Be careful, the bottle of water is sold at an exorbitant price.

Have a drink



Île Saint-Joseph seen from Île Royale

It is possible to spend the night in a hammock on Île Saint-Joseph, between 2 coconut palms by the sea. The "beach" is opposite the landing stage, take the path on the left when leaving the landing stage. Provide a tarp to hang over the hammock to avoid getting a coconut on your head! Possibility of making a fire, so provide charcoal (the dry coconut fluff can be used to light the fire).

To visit

On Île Saint-Joseph, visit the ruins of the detention center (the prison of the penal colony). They are now overgrown with vegetation, but maintained to allow walking.

It is an extraordinary place, between the horror of the prison and the wonder of the forest. You can feel the ghosts of convicts roaming these abandoned buildings!


  • There is no running water on the island of Saint-Joseph, do not forget to bring water accordingly.
  • Watch out for coconut falls, it's quite dangerous ...
  • Some ruins are ... in ruins! Stay away from buildings in poor condition.




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