Genoa - Ĝenovo

The town hall, Doria-Tursi palace
Population610.897 (2009)

Genoa (Italian: Genoa) (ligure: Zena) is the capital of an Italian region Liguria. It is located on the Ligurian Sea, in the northwest Italy. It has a population of 580,097 people in 2018.


Municipalities of Genoa


Genoa is multi-central, as it is in fact a union of various municipalities with the historic Genoa in two stages, at the end of the 19th century, and in the twenties of the 20th century. Each of these ex-municipalities, (modern urban neighborhoods), therefore has its own historical core, and squares and streets that have the layout typical of small towns and villages.

The structure of the municipal territory is that of a two-river base to which two main valleys descend:

  • Get up (east) - Sturla, Quarto dei Mille, Quinto al Mare, Nervi, Bavari, San Desiderio, Borgoratti
  • Speaker (west) - Voltri, Prà, Pegli, Sestri Ponente, Cornigliano, Sampierdarena
  • Valo Bisagno - San Fruttuoso, Marassi, Staglieno, Molassana, Struppa
  • Valo Polcevera - Rivarolo, Bolzaneto, Pontedecimo

The two valleys continue, far from the municipal territory, to the hinterland.


Genoese fortress in Sudak (Crimea)

In the classical era, among the important centers of Liguria was already Genoa.

In the 11th century formed the Genoa Maritime Republic, which reached its highest peak from the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 14th century;

The economic strength of the Maritime Republic manifested itself through a colonial empire ante litteram in a strong and strictly economic sense, with political foundations made up of a dense network of political-trade agreements across the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea; Many were the Ligurian commercial presences of Gibraltar until Central Asia, and numerous other ports and commercial crossroads.

Curiosity: Genoa had the island Corsica, as property, and sold it to France in 1768, one year before Napoleon's birth; Ironically it was Napoleon's army that occupied Liguria. After the fall of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna annexed Liguria to Piedmont.


The shape structure of Liguria (a narrow strip of land between sea and mountains) makes its climate really mild compared to the other regions of northern Italy; this is of course quite true in the areas close to the coast; the mountains that block the way to the cold winds of the north are however quite cold in winter, and this explains why at a distance of a few kilometers there is a typically Mediterranean climate at sea and snow in the mountains. Another difference is between Genoa and the rivers. during winters: in Genoa a few centimeters of snow normally fall every year; in the rivers the same inches of snow fall once in ten or twenty years.

Enter the bus

Genoa is also connected with many cities and countries through Flixbus.

To be transported

To be transported on foot

Among the most beautiful areas, to move on foot, are certainly the alleys of the historic center or the area of ​​the "Porto Antico". Beautiful promenades are the Anita Garibaldi promenade in Nervi, or the one in Corso Italia, which starts from the "Foce" and goes east to Boccadasse, once a seaside village and today very interesting for its bay, its colorful houses and the typical "crêuze" ( footpaths to the sea).

Public transport

AMT is the company that manages the urban public transport.

The Genoa metro has a single line that runs through eight stations: Brin, Dinegro, Principe, Darsena, San Giorgio, Sarzano / Sant'Agostino, De Ferrari and Brignole.

An ordinary ticket costs € 1.60 and allows you to use the entire network for 100 minutes (but not via: Navebus, Volabus) and a 2nd class train journey in the city; while a bus ticket valid for 100 minutes costs € 1.50. For tourists, the integrated AMT - Trenitalia ticket is valid for 24 hours at a cost of € 4.5 called Genovapass

Transport by car


The harbor seen from the Albertis castle

Genoa was visited by many travelers and writers during the modern era, including Montaigne and Nietzsche, but also in the Middle Ages (Dante, Petrarca). It also provided separate locations for many films (anchored in Porto Antico was Neptune, a ship used for Roman Polanski's 1986 film "Roman Pirates" and for the 2011 television miniseries "Neverland - The True Story of Peter Pan").

To have beautiful views of the city, a good place to enjoy the view is Castelletto esplanade; also by a panoramic lift in the Porto Antico called Bigo, which however costs 4 euros per adult, so evaluate whether it is worth it).

The lantern

The "Lantern" on the rock on which it stands

Being in Genoa one cannot help but visit its ancient symbol, the Lighthouse of the harbor, usually called 'the lantern of Genoa'; it was built in 1128, and rebuilt in 1538, it is 77 feet high (117 with the rock on which it stands); The tower is open to the public.

In addition to being an indispensable tool for the night navigation of ships entering and leaving the port, the Lantern is also the symbolic monument of the city, almost totem for Genoese life, and as such is part of the history of the city.

With its seventy-seven meters it is the tallest lighthouse in the Mediterranean and the second in Europe after the Lighthouse of the Virgin Islands, in the French department Finistère, which in 1902 surpassed the Lantern record surpassing it in height by about five meters. It remains, however, at present the fifth highest lighthouse in the world and the second, always behind that of Île Vierge, among the traditional, i.e. built for the main purpose of supporting navigation. Considered in its monumentality, which also includes the historic rock on which it rests, it reaches 117 meters in height.

The building consists of a tower in two orders of square section with a terrace at the top of each order. Built in its current structure in 1543, it is also the third oldest lighthouse in the world among those still in operation, after the Tower of Hercules, a beacon of the Spanish city La Coruña and the Kõpu lighthouse, on the Estonian island Hiiumaa.


The Lantern is located on the eastern edge of the neighborhood Sampierdarena, on an isolated rock today completely embedded within the harbor context, the extreme peak of what was once the hill of San Benigno.

The place where it was built was called Promontory because, before human hands restructured the contours of the Gulf of Genoa, it was surrounded on three sides by the sea. To the west the hill bounded the original port of Genoa, which is now ancient port. Over time the hill took the name of Capo di Faro or San Benigno, from the name of the monastery of the same name that stood on it. In fact, today the hill no longer exists, destroyed in the second half of the 1920s to create new spaces for the city, the port itself and its productive settlements, and the only portion that remains today is the little bare rock on which the lighthouse stands.

At the same time, between the years 1920 and 1930 work was done for the expansion of the Port, with the creation of the new piers of Sampierdarena, made with remarkable sea fills. After that, the rock of the Lantern is no longer directly on the sea but a short distance from it, at the pier of Ponte San Giorgio.

How to achieve it

The Lantern, in addition to the port's controlled access gates, is accessible from the city exclusively by a walkway of about 800 meters, which extends mostly cantilevered outside the old city walls through a path that overlooks the harbor docks, offering the opportunity to carefully observe the activities of the port.

The walk starts from the ferry terminal; it is in Milan Street, 100 meters west of the bus stop "Dinegro / Terminal Traghetti" of the buses AMT 1-3-7-9-18-20; at 400 meters from the metro station "Dinegro";

This is 1.5 km from the railway station "Genova Principe"; 1.5 km from the motorway entrance "Genova Ovest".

The Ducal Palace

The Ducal Palace

The Palazzo Ducale Foundation for Culture, the palace of the ancient Maritime Republic is now available for meetings and social events.

Located in the heart of Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, formerly the seat of government of the Republic of Genoa and home to the Doges, now constitutes, after a complex restoration, a universal center of more than 34,000 square meters, which houses exhibition, congress, commercial, and archives, libraries, and offices.

In the cake reception areas on the main floor and in the evocative halls of the Ammunition Hall and the Subporticos, conferences, major art exhibitions, conferences, shows, concerts and festive dinners are regularly organized.

The charm of the historic sites is happily combined with the use of advanced security systems and the most modern multimedia technologies with highly professional results. It is located in Piazza Matteotti 9, (also accessible from Piazza de Ferrari), tel 39 010 8171600, green number 39 010 8171601.

Conferences (in Italian), in March 2021 through an online live stream of the DUKE PALACE: Archeology in Liguria - A journey to the roots of history (Topics will include excavations at Balzi Rossi and in the cave of Arma Veirana) .

There is also archaeological research in the Finale Ligure area among the topics of the meetings held on the site of the Ducal Palace every Monday at 6 p.m. The appointments, which will run until March 29 via a live stream on the YouTube channel, are entitled "People of the past. Archeology in Liguria" and are organized by the Ducal Palace Foundation and UniAuser in collaboration with the Finale Ligure section of the Institute of Ligurian Studies

The topic of the meetings is the news of research on the prehistory and protohistory of Liguria, from the Paleolithic to the ancient Ligurians. "Prehistoric research in Liguria has always been one of the best in Europe, thanks to the early research in key places such as the Finale Caves and the Balzi Rossi," explains Andrea De Pascale, curator of the Finale Museum. of important excavations since the 19th century, especially the research of the Ligurian Luigi Bernabò Brea in the Arene Candide cave in Finale represented the founding act of modern paleontology in Italy. Ligurian arch considerably increased our knowledge of the most ancient people of Liguria ".

After the first meeting, which took place on March 1 and is now available on the website of the "Ducale", with the speaker Vincenzo Tinè, a former inspector in Liguria, who spoke on prehistory, the title of the meeting on Monday 8 March will be "The Paleolithic in Liguria from excavation to modern study techniques "by Fabio Negrino, professor at the University of Genoa on Prehistory and Prehistory engaged in new excavations at the Balzi Rossi and in the cave of Arma Veirana, a site of international importance, located in the municipality of Erli, in the inland hinterland where the burial of a 3-month-old girl of homo sapiens with a set of shells, dating from 11 thousand years ago. On Monday 25 the Neolithic with the Cave Arene Candide will be the subject of the meeting with De Pascale. The Candide Arena has preserved important burials from the Paleolithic era, the best known of which is that of the "Young Prince" for the richness of the ornaments and objects found together with a young man who lived 28,000 years ago. the Age of Metals in Liguria by archaeologist Nadia Campana, who tackled the Chiavari cemetery and the jasper quarry located in the Lagonara Valley, close to the upper Val di Vara, the largest open-air quarry of prehistoric jasper in Europe.

other Palaces and castles

Among the palaces, the more than 100 "Palazzi dei Rolli", noble palaces of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 42 of which were recorded in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Royal Palace
Castle of the Albertis
White Palace

Castello d'Albertis in Corso Dogali, 18 tel 39 010 2723820 is an ancient castle. Inside it houses the "Museo delle culture del mondo" and the "Museo delle musiche dei popoli". Built in 1886 on an ancient bastion of the fourteenth century by the captain. Enrico Alberto D'Albertis, the castle is now one of the most popular museum houses in the Ligurian capital. Situated on the hill Monte Galletto in the Castelletto district (Kastelletto), as well as the similar Mackenzie Castle it overlooks the city, overlooking the Ligurian Sea. The chronicler of the newspaper "Il Caffaro" wrote on May 1, 1892: "From the main tower you can see the whole of Genoa, as fascinating as a sleeping odalisque."

The castle can be reached from Acquaverde-via Balbi Square (Piazza Principe station) with the Castello d'Albertis-Montegalletto city lift, or with the AMT bus lines n. 36, 39 and 40. A special service facilitates the transportation and visits to the museum of disabled people. By car it is accessible for those coming from the highways, exiting at the “Genoa-Ovest” motorway exit.

Palazzo Bianco in Via Garibaldi, 11 tel 39 010 2759185. Inside Palazzo Bianco you can admire works of art from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Palazzo Tursi
Palazzo Spinola

Palazzo Tursi in Via Garibaldi, 9 tel 39 010 5572193 is the city hall of Genoa. It houses an art gallery, antique coins, official weights of the Republic of Genoa and a hall dedicated to Paganini with a violin by him.

Red Palace
Vilao Durazzo-Pallavicini
Villa of the Prince


Cathedral of San Lorenzo
Church of Santa Maria di Castello
Church of San Pietro in Banchi
"Commenda di Prè" (complex of the commanding order)

Art Museums

Museum of De Andrè and the other Ligurian singer-writers

Via del Campo 29 red, of course it is in "Street of the Field", at red number 29. It is the Museum of the Ligurian songwriters, and mainly dedicated to Fabrizio De André.

Many of De Andrè's songs have already been translated into an Esperanto version, and sometimes the participation of Esperanto-language singers has been organized there in the museum, who has also listened to the non-Esperantist public in the Esperanto versions.

Staglieno Monumental Cemetery
Museums of Nervi

Staglieno monumental cemetery, in Piazzale Resasco, tel 39 010 5576400, visit Mon-Sun 7: 30-17: 00, cost € 5; 4 for groups with a guide. It is one of the largest monumental cemeteries in Europe. Guided tours last an hour and a half.

Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art
Cloister of the diocesan museum
Museum of Sant'Agostino
Vilao Croce

Museums of History

The historic center of Genoa, with its narrow alleys ("caruggi" in Ligurian), is one of the largest in Europe. In addition to the sights listed below, it is worth noting items such as the "Loggia di Banchi" in the square of the same name near the Porto Antico, the beautiful facade of Palazzo San Giorgio in the same area, the Casa del Boia (House of the Executioner) a little more to the east, and the ancient troughs of Santa Brigida near Via Balbi.

Galata Museum of the Sea

[File: Genova-casa di Colombo-DSCF7114.JPG | thumb | 200px | left | Domo de Cristoforo Colombo]]

Museum of the Italian Resurrection

Museums of natural sciences

Genoa Aquarium
Giacomo Doria Museum of Natural History

Giacomo Doria Museum of Natural History, in Via Brigata Liguria, 9, tel 39 010 564567description: Since 1867, the Museum of Natural History G. Doria houses an important collection of specimens collected throughout travels and expeditions around the world. To date, there are four million finds, including fossils, rocks and animals, a small portion of which are on display in the two-story rooms that the public can visit.


Parks of Nervi
Vilaeto Di Negro

Parks of Nervi, You get there by bus n. 15 - 15 /, 17 - 17 / and following the indicators railway station FS Nervi or Parchi di Nervi; Opening hours: January 8: 00-17: 30, February-March 8: 00-18: 30, April-August 8: 00-19: 30, September 8: 00-18: 30, October 8: 00-17: 30, November-December 8: 00-17: 00description: One of the largest city parks on the Mediterranean Sea.

esplanata dell'Acquasola and Villetta Di Negro, description: Two parks on the sides of the central square Corvetto.

Carlo Alberto Gardens From the Church, in Via Luigi Pirandello 6 description: Public gardens within the Albaro district. In it is also the Tennis Club Beppe Croce.

Villa Duchess of Galliera

Villa Duchess of Galliera, description: Historical Park in the district Voltri.






Food EVO oil granoteca, e-mail: [email protected] San Vincenzo, Via Galata 46 rosso at 209 meters, from the bus stop: Piazza Brignoletel 39 010 542 019 opening hours = Mon-Sat 08: 30-13: 00 and 15: 30-19: 30 description = store published in the gastronomic magazine The red shrimp, with a selection of quality foods from all over Italy, among which Ligurian specialties such as unpasteurized artisanal pesto, and 75 labels of olive oil and a selection of balsamic vinegars.




To live

List of all hotels of Genoa that are members of "Albergatori di Genova" at

Esperanto housing





The alleys of the historic center are very characteristic and fascinating, but not all completely safe. Try to stay in the busiest and brightest, especially in the evening. In particular, avoid the quadrangle formed by via del Campo, via Lomellini, piazza della Nunziata and via delle Fontane, which make up the ancient Jewish ghetto, today an area of ​​deep decay.

Be careful on the buses, as there are some pickpockets.


Esperanto has a long history in Genoa, where a group was founded as early as 1910. Today the Group has been refounded under the name Genoa Esperanto Club.

Local Esperantists

Patrick Morando is the president of the group.


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