İnebolu - İnebolu

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Inebolu is a city in the Turkish Black Sea Region.


This small city dates back to ancient Ionopolis and was founded in the 2nd century. AD, however, mentioned under the name Abonuteichos. The oracle of Neos Asklepios (the serpent Glycon) was founded at this time. When the city was renamed Ionopolis, the associated coins continued to bear the image of the serpent. The renaming in particular is often used as an important indication that the city was founded by the Ionians. In 1071 AD the Seljuks were able to conquer the city. When the Seljuq empire collapsed, the Candaroğullari, a small Turkish tribe, took over the administration of the city and renamed it Inebolu. In the 15th AD the city was incorporated into the city of Kure and only released into independence again in the 19th century. There is not much left of all of this, but the entire cityscape from the end of the 19th century has been preserved. Only a few years after regaining independence, the entire city burned down, which was subsequently redesigned from the rice board. This structure was preserved despite heavy bombardment during the First World War.

getting there

By plane

By train

In the street

By boat


Tourist Attractions

  • The 350 houses that are listed here
  • The foundations of 3 castle complexes from Byzantine times
  • A monastery







Practical advice



Web links

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