Galaxidi - Γαλαξίδι

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The Galaxidi is its seaside town Φωκίδας. It is located on the north coast of the Corinthian Gulf and, specifically, on the west side of the Gulf of Itea. It is well known for the shipping that it had developed in the last century as well as for its picturesqueness, reasons for which summer attracts a lot of people, especially during the summer months. Its permanent population, according to the 2011 Census, amounts to 2,011 inhabitants.


The Galaxidi
The Galaxidi


Byzantine era

In the 8th century, after centuries of absence, a small village appears, this time called Galaxidi. By the 10th century Galaxidi has managed to significantly develop its shipping. Unfortunately, the development of the city did not last long since during the reign of Constantine Romanos, Galaxidi was conquered twice, with dramatic consequences for the inhabitants, by the Bulgarians. The calamities for the city of Galaxidi do not end here. In 1054 an epidemic wiped out many inhabitants while in 1064 an invasion of the Ouzos resulted in their violent expulsion from the city for two whole years. In 1147 Galaxidi was looted once again, but this time all the inhabitants left the city for good. During the 12th century Galaxidi belonged to the Administration of Epirus. At that time many noble families left Constantinople and settled in Galaxidi. This period is characterized by a rapid growth in shipping. The people of Galaxidi developed trade relations with other areas of the Byzantine Empire. Eventually the prosperity of Galaxidi ended abruptly in 1296, ie the year of the death of John Palaiologos, who systematically helped the city. During the reign of Andronikos III Palaiologos, Galaxidi was under the rule of the Duchy of Athens. The Byzantine era finally closed in 1446 when Galaxidi and Salona fell to the Ottomans.

Ottoman rule

The era of Ottoman rule began in 1446. In 1494 the seat of Bey was moved from Salona to Galaxidi. The first Bey to be appointed was Hatzi-Babas. Finally in 1502, by order of the High Gate, the headquarters returned to Salona. It is worth noting that during the whole period of the Turkish Occupation, no Turk lived in Galaxidi. The ensuing naval battle resulted in the defeat of Durajibey, who vowed revenge. Easter of the same year suddenly attacked and conquered Galaxidi. This disaster resulted in the flight of the inhabitants of Galaxidi to the mountains and specifically to Pentoria. They returned to the ruined Galaxidi only after the death of Duratzibey in 1669. The prosperity of the Galaxidi navy began in the period 1720-1730, ie immediately after the treaty of Pasarovic (1718). In 1774, after the Kyutsuk-Kainartzi Treaty, most Galaxidi ships raised the Russian flag. In order to be liberated from the Mesolonghi navy, he started building ships in Galaxidi. In 1803 the Galaxidi fleet numbered 50 ships. The most common commercial ports of Galaxidi ships were: Marseille, Istanbul and various other ports in Spain and Italy.

Revolution of 1821

The first consultations for the start of the Revolution in Galaxidi had started at the beginning of March, following the initiative of Ioannis Papadiamantopoulos. The bishop of Salona Isaia, Odysseas Androutsos, Panourgias, Giannis Gouras and the nobles of the area took part in it. On March 26, a body of 300 men left for Amfissa. The captains and the merchants immediately offered their ships in favor of the homeland while many people from Galaxidi rushed to fight in Hani of Gravia.

The catastrophes of Galaxidi

Galaxidi suffered three major disasters during the Liberation Struggle.

The first disaster: On September 8, 1821, the fleet of Ismail Bey Gibraltar sailed for the Gulf of Corinth with 30 armed barges and 2 frigates. On September 22, a British ship led the Turkish fleet to Galaxidi. The people of Galaxidi, together with 200 men of Panourgias, defended vigorously. At night, however, the men of Panourgias retreated as they did not have the necessary experience to deal with the naval shelling. The inhabitants, seeing the rift in the defense of the city but also the inadequacy of the fighters, left Galaxidi. On the morning of September 23, the Turks invaded the city and destroyed it. Inside the port they found 90 ships, 13 of them were warships while the rest were small commercial ones. According to historians, the chances of saving Galaxidi were minimal after it fell victim to the first political disputes.

The second & third catastrophe: In May 1825 Kioutachis in order to secure his rear so that he could besiege Messolonghi safely attacked Galaxidi and destroyed it. Of course, this second disaster was less painful since the Galaxidi ships were not moored in the port. But a worse catastrophe ensued, in November of the same year, this time by Ibrahim, who managed to hijack ships and capture many women and children, who were sent as slaves to Egypt. After this disaster, the inhabitants left and settled in Hydra, Corinth, Loutraki and others. Much later the government managed to bring back some Greek prisoners from Egypt.

Tourist sites

How to get there

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

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What to see

  • Church of St. Nicholas. The current church of Agios Nikolaos is built on a pagan shrine. In the 7th century the first church was built, dedicated to Agios Nikolaos while in 1800 the people of Galaxidi at their own expense began the work for the construction of a larger church. The present church was built in 1900. Architects were Germanos Hager and Konstantinos Papapetros. The church is of Byzantine style with two bell towers and a dome. It has three aisles while in the bell tower there is the big clock of the city. A typical example of beauty is the wooden iconostasis of the temple. It was built in the decade 1840-1850 and is in "baroque" style.
  • Monastery of Agios Sotiros. The monastery is located at an altitude of 300 meters on a nearby hill, south of Galaxidi. The church was built around 1250 AD. The chapel is dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Savior Christ. The church is single-aisled, cross-roofed with a rectangular plan. In 1750 a male monastery was founded but the earthquake of 1756 tore down the monastery's katholikon and cut off the water supply, resulting in its desolation. In 1927 some monks settled, but left 5 years later. The substantial reconstruction of the monastery took place in 1989. In 1990 the nun Isidora was installed, who takes care of the monastery and the surrounding area. It is worth noting that in a crypt of the ruined church of Agios Sotiros was found the "Chronicle of Galaxidi" by Constantine Satha in 1864, which was written by the monk Efthymios in 1703.
  • The old school. It is located in Koukounas and is one of the oldest schools. It was built during the reign of Ioannis Kapodistrias. Until 1932 it operated as a primary school and then was abandoned and sold by the school tax. It has been declared protected by a ministerial decision.
  • Naval and Ethnological Museum. The Naval and Ethnological Museum is housed in a building built in 1870. Since 1932 it houses the naval gallery. The Naval and Ethnological Museum houses, in addition to the naval gallery, archaeological finds of the area. This archeological collection was created in 1932 but many pieces were lost during the occupation. Today the collection contains about 300 exhibits. An important role in its creation was played by Nikolaos Mamas, who financially supported the excavations of the museum, Ioannis Threpsiadis, who carried out many excavations, Petros Themelis, curator of antiquities of Delphi, etc.
  • Nautical gallery. Today, sailors' registers, naval instruments, paintings of sailboats, many of which are designed in Italy, paintings by the painter Petros Petrantzas, as well as the Chronicle of Galaxidi are hosted. The collection is maintained by the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation.



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