Kalomira - Καλομοίρα

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The Kalomira, Matoneri, Ampelochori, Kastania, Amaranto, Deer, Megali Kerasia, Orthovouni are its settlements area of ​​Trikala


THE Chestnut is a mountain village of Pindos with an altitude of 850 meters, at a distance of 34 kilometers west of Kalampaka with a population of 150 people in winter. In summer the population exceeds 1,200 inhabitants. The area of ​​Kastania is overgrown with chestnuts, walnuts, apples, hazelnuts, beeches, firs and pines. Next to the village there are waters of the springs Stinos (in the place Goura) and the waters in the place Bouros. Near the village there is the forest of the mountain Kynigos or Omorfi ridi (1,845 m.), The peaks Krounes (1,239 m.), Morava (1,930 m.) And Chioli in the southwest (1,970 m.). The inhabitants are mainly engaged in logging, due to the existence of large forests in the area and agriculture.


Tourist sites

How to get there

How to move

What to see

  • monastery of Ag. Nikolaou SiamadonChestnut. It is located on the right side of the road Hani Mourgani - Kastania. It is preserved today, at 620 m. And at a distance of about 2 km from the main road, the katholikon of the monastery that was built at the beginning of the 19th century.



  • Feast of St. FridayChestnut. On July 26-27.
  • Chestnut feast (in the "Goura" position). October 21. carried out by the Educational and Beneficial Association of Kastania "O Stinos".

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