Large Coral Reef - Μεγάλος Κοραλλιογενής Ύφαλος

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Lady Elliot Island

THE Large Coral Reef (English: Great Barrier Reef) is the largest coral reef in the world. It consists of 2,900 separate reefs and 940 islands, and extends for more than 2,600 kilometers in a sea area of ​​approximately 344,400 square kilometers. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off its coast Queensland of the northeast Australia. It hosts a wide variety of marine life and offers significant diving opportunities.

At a glance

Coral reefs in general, also known as "sea rainforests", are some of the most complex ecosystems on Earth. The large coral reef is destroyed by about 3.5% per year, mainly due to tropical hurricanes and rising water temperatures. According to the latest scientific research that concludes that nature "finds ways" to restore its balance, the large coral reef, as well as similar ecosystems, are expected to survive climate change.


The islands of the reef

There are many islands, scattered off its coast Queensland in many different island complexes. Many are offered for one-day getaways, overnight stays or both, offering different types of accommodation. Not all islands are off the coast near the reef. Some are mainland islands but coral bays. Some of the mainland islands have coral parks near the beach, others do not.

Some islands overflow with marine life, others do not. Some islands are overflowing with marine life, others are not. Check the guides of your specific destination, to see if the island you are thinking of visiting is suitable for snorkeling, or just a nice place to lie down in an armchair and relax.

Islands that are not included in the reef generally have some sort of day boat trip to the reef. Some of these voyages, especially those of Witchandis (Whitsundays), serve day trips from islands to coast, from coast to islands, and from coasts and islands to the reef. In these cases, the prices are usually similar to those you would pay off the coast. However, there are some islands that offer their own itineraries, usually at a higher cost.

  •   Bedara Island, Queensland (English: Bedarra Island) - Privately owned island between the Great Barrier Reef and South Mission Beach on the mainland. The island is a luxury resort consisting of 16 villas built in lush rainforest. With a maximum of 32 visitors at a time, the island is still a secret place for the outside world. Children aged 12 and under are not allowed on the island. The Great Barrier Reef is nearby and it is possible to organize activities such as snorkeling and diving.☎ 61 7 4047 4747.
  •   Pubkin Island (English: Pumpkin Island) — Pumpkin Island Eco Retreat Pubkin Island Ecological Sanctuary (), Yepun, Keppel Bay Islands, (Between the Great Capel and the Northern Kepel Islands), ☎ 61 7 4939-4413. 8AM - 18PM. $ 300. Here you will find only five very elegant, ecological, self-contained holiday homes overlooking a beach with crystal clear waters. Each unit serves four to eight guests (with a maximum of 30) and is fully autonomous.

Important cities

Additional destinations

  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

How to get there

Port   Cairns is considered the prime starting point to the reef, but boats also leave it Airley Beach, the Κουκταουν, the Port Douglas, the   Mission Beach (Mission Beach), the Townsville and   They say(Yeppoon)) .

Day trips to the reef are made from most of its coastline Queensland. Generally speaking, the further north, the shorter the trip to the reef, as it approaches the coast near Cape Tribulation (Cape Tribulation)

Most departures are made early in the morning. The boats moor a few hours later out of a bay and a meal is usually available (or included) followed by a return to the port late in the afternoon. As boats always approach one or two specific locations, it is not uncommon for several boats to anchor within a few hundred meters.

This type of trip is offered (at least) by the seaside towns at Cape Tribulet, Douglas Harbor, the Cairns, the Townsville, the Airley Beach (Port of Siut), the Mackey, and Gladstone, (from north to south). Check the travel guides for your destinations for more information, as not all trips are made every day from every city.

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How to move

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

Bus from Zusatzzeichen 1024-14.svg Bus

What to see


The Great Barrier Reef is famous diver destination, although experienced divers on the tropical reefs feel that some parts of it are damaged by excessive human activity.

Great Barrier Reef 9.JPG

Most travelers learn diving in Townsville, Cairns or Port Douglas. All three cities have highly competitive diving industries. Most students prefer to take a day or two of lessons in the pool and classroom, followed by a two or three day "live" lesson on the reef east of Cairns. It is also possible to learn diving with some of the players traveling on the Coral Sea, but you should check the ease of access to their diving spots.

Some "day trips" to the reef are routed from Cairns and Port Douglas. These trips include about 2 hours of travel in each direction and cost about $ 170-200 €. Most diving agents operate three-day trips to the reefs east of Cairns, with prices starting at around € 500 for 3 days of diving and 2 nights on the boat. The price includes meals. Those who want a simple snorkeling can take part in such discounted trips, but first check if the diving sites are suitable for such an activity. Serious divers generally prefer five-day or seven-day trips north of the Coral Sea.

Most boat trips, especially diving, can be up to 40% cheaper if booked at the last minute with waiting rates. Of course, in this case one arrives at the destination hoping to find an available reservation. Therefore, there should be a flexible schedule regarding the departure date and one may not be able to travel with the agency one wishes. However, most divers report that they are able to find at least one trip in standby mode when they follow this last minute practice. Diving travel agents are able to advise you at any time.

Some of the islands have a nearby reef and it is possible to dive or go snorkeling off the coast.

The southern part of the reef outside Townsville is best known for its wreck in Yongala, which is visited by both diving schools and independent travel agents. Routes from Townsville, the Eur (Ayr (Queensland) and Magnetic Island (Magnetic Island). Yongala is submerged in a depth of about 30 meters (100 feet) of water. As the seabed is sandy at this point, the sunken hull is a haven for fish and coral. However, because the site is unprotected in bad weather, many trips are canceled.

Local cuisine

  • The seafood on the islands of the Great Reef and the nearby coastal areas is delicious. There are areas where fishing is limited, and in such a case it would be better to go to a restaurant. Reef fish are also available in stores φισ & τσιπ (fish with french fries, similar to what is found in the United Kingdom).

Local drinks

On day trips to the Reef, alcohol is usually sold on board. The surrounding islands almost always have at least one bar, usually very much in the center of the island life. Some even have pool-bars. Some offer parties for young people, others organize cocktails by the pool and others close early, targeting those who get up in the morning to enjoy the sunrise. Check the local guides for relevant information.

Stay safe

Warning for large jellyfish

There are marine hazards on the Big Reef, from rockfish to sharks, sea snakes and jellyfish. However, despite the frequent voyages that take place throughout the year, injuries due to marine life are rarely reported. However, one must comply with all safety indications and warnings.

  • THE big jellyfish occurs near beaches and near estuaries from October to April north of 1770 and only occasionally outside that period. They are usually not found in deep water or above corals and most of those who snorkel do not use any special protection. However, a waterproof suit (available on all diving boats) provides better buoyancy and some protection from spurs that are probably rare but sometimes deadly.
  • Sharks exist, however rarely attack humans. Most sharks are afraid of humans and swim away.
  • The sea ​​crocodiles do not actually live in the ocean, as their primary environment is estuaries, north of the Rockhampton (Rockhampton). They use the ocean as a means of transportation between river systems and islands. It is very rare for them to enter coral reef areas. Most crocodiles do not swim through the reefs.
  • Burning and dehydration is a potential safety issue in the wider area. Even on cloudy days sunscreen is recommended, especially for children. It is generally recommended that the traveler not be left exposed to the sun for more than 20 minutes, mainly between 10am and 3pm. Travelers also need to have drinking water with them, as even mild dehydration can lead to heatstroke or sunburn. Alcohol at high temperatures, without the use of water, can lead to bad intoxication.

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