Mesochora - Μεσοχώρα

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The Mesochora, Armatoliko, Eagle, Lafina, Top, Fairy, Pakhtouri are settlements in the area Trikala.


Mesochora (former Vytsista, renamed in 1928) is a village in the Municipality of Pyli, in the Prefecture of Trikala. It is built at an altitude of 800 meters, in the SW part of the prefecture, between the peaks of Mytika and Eggo of South Pindos, on the left of the river Acheloos, 73 km from Trikala. It is rooted in the embrace of Pindos, on the banks of the Acheloos (Aspropotamos) river, on the Trikala-Arta road. It is located on the site of an artificial lake under construction for the diversion of Acheloos.

The flora is particularly rich with fir and cedar forests, oaks, arbutus, forest fern but also thousands of fruit trees, day and wild, such as walnuts, cherries, hazelnuts (hazelnuts), mulberries, apples, skulls, wild pears, etc. The variety of wild herbs is very rich, with oregano prevailing, which favors the production of flower honey. There are hares and partridges in the area, which is why dozens of hunters often visit it. Birds of prey such as the eagle, the vulture and the hawk nest on the surrounding steep peaks. Wolves are common, such as foxes and ferrets, as well as many rodents such as beavers. Bears appear sparsely and are probably the southernmost point of their appearance in Greece. Many birds are flying in the surrounding forests.

Tourist sites

How to get there

The Mesochora dam

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