Saudi Arabia - Σαουδική Αραβία

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Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg
Fast Data
Capital cityRiyadh
StateAbsolute monarchy
CoinSaudi Riyal (SAR)
Areatotal: 1,960,582 km2
water: 0 km2
Earth: 1,960,582 km2
Population27,601,038 includes 5,576,076 without citizenship (July 2007 est.)
Religion100% Muslims (by law)
Electricity110 / 220V, plug types A, C, D, G all used
Calling Code966
Time zoneGMT 3

The Kingdom of Of Saudi Arabia is a country.

At a glance

He is in Arabian Peninsula. It borders on Iraq, the Jordan, the Kuwait, the Oman, the Qatar, τα United Arab Emirates and Yemen, while it is bathed by the Persian Gulf to the northeast and by the Red Sea to the west. The territory of Saudi Arabia, formerly very vaguely identified as Zazirat al-Arab, meaning "island of the nomads", occupies almost the entire Arabian Peninsula, stretching its coasts to a total length of about 2,600 km. Its land borders, extremely uncertain in the south, with the uninhabited areas of the desert, extend to the north in a completely straight line.

Today's Saudi Arabia, as a whole, coincides with the territories that were successively conquered and subjugated by the Saudi Wahhabis, whose kingdom, initially confined to the oasis of Negent (where the capital, Riyadh, was located), acquired Gulf with the occupation of the country called Al-Hassa (1913) and continued to expand with the annexation of Hejaz and the Islamic Holy Land, Mecca and Medina (1924). Moreover, together with Iraq, Saudi Arabia now jointly governs the neutral territorial zone, which separates the two countries.

The official language is Arabic and 100% of the population are Muslims, mainly Sunnis. According to official estimates in 2014, its population is 30,770,375 [2] inhabitants, 30% of whom are non-Saudi citizens (2013 estimate). As of January 6, 2015, Saudi Arabia is at war with the Islamic State.

Appropriate visit period




Saudi regions map.png
Southwestern highlands with a mild climate and strong influence from Yemen.
Eastern Provinces of Saudi Arabia
Gulf Coast, Saudi Arabia's oil hub
Hezaz (Hejaz)
The beaches in the Red Sea, its area Mecca, Medina, Jeddah the area of ​​trade.
Nezd (Nejd)
The central highlands with Riyadh, the most conservative region of the country.
Northern Saudi Arabia
Rarely visited by anyone, it contains its Nabataean monuments Madain Saleh.

Important cities

Additional tourist destinations

How to get there

1a2.svg By air

Trains from Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png By train

PKW from closed 1048-10.svg By road

BSicon BOOT.svg By boat

How to move

What to see


Transactions and purchases

Purchases and transactions only with Rinario

Tourist infrastructure


The existence of nomadic tribes makes school education difficult. In addition, there is no law that makes it mandatory, nor does it stipulate at what age children must be enrolled in school. After 1955 a serious campaign was launched to combat illiteracy, the index of which still remains among the highest in the world. Elementary education lasts six years, as does secondary education, which prepares students for university studies. Higher education is divided between the University of Riyadh (Philology, Science, Pharmacy and Higher Commercial Courses) and the University of Jeddah, which has been operating since 1967 and includes faculties of economics and administration. In 1964 a higher institute for subsoil research was organized in Dahran. There is the Islamic University of Medina for theological studies, as well as other universities.

Job opportunities

Stay safe

Health and precautions

Respect local customs


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