Xiangcheng - 乡城

28°55′48″N 99°48′0″E
Map of Xiangcheng

Xiangchenglie inChinaSouthwestSichuan Province



Aviation 1a2.svg

Railroad Bahn aus Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png

Bus Aiga bus trans.svg

Traffic in the city


  • Rammed Earth Diaolou in XiangchengIntroductionNational key units.
  • Kadan Samphirobling MonasteryIntroductionSangpi Temple was built in 1669 (the old site is located in the middle of the city). It was moved to the northwest corner of the county in 1995. It covers an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters and a building area of ​​more than 6,000 square meters.

    In the 11th year of Kangxi (1669), under the advocacy and support of the fifth Dalai Aung Wong Lobsang Gyatso, the Sampi Monastery, one of the thirteen Gelug temples built in the Kham area, was completed and consecrated at the foot of the Bam sacred mountain. .

    In 1811, Chijiang Living Buddha, the honorary host of the prestigious Sangphi Monastery, ascended to the throne of the "Ganden Tripa" in Lhasa and became the teacher of the ninth Dalai Lama. Since then, the reputation of Sangphi Monastery has spread far and wide, and it has become the order of the whole Tibet. The eye-catching temple.

    National key cultural relics protection unit.

  • Dongsongmuyin Sarcophagus TombsIntroductionSichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit.
  • Baiyidingzhenling TempleIntroductionSichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit.
  • Qupi TempleIntroductionSichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit.





Travel warningEmergency phone number:
Fire brigade:119
Avertissement de voyageEmergency phone number:
Fire brigade:119

Medical treatment

Hospital Aiga firstaid.svg

  • Xiangcheng County People's Hospital

Next stop

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