Yasuj - 亞蘇季

YasujYesKogiluye-Bowe-Ahmed ProvinceA city away fromShirazAbout 150 kilometers.


You canShirazIf you take a shared taxi, it will depart when it is full of people, and it costs about 40,000 rials. The scenery along the road is beautiful, and on a clear day, you can enjoy the beauty of the Zagros Mountains.

Travel around

Taxi sharing.

go sightseeing

  • Yasouj waterfall Very popular among young people, you can have a picnic near here.
  • Naragah Village It is an ancient mound land, and nearby archaeological excavations have found pottery and cemeteries.
  • Yasuj Museum Opened in 2002, it displays coins, statues, pottery and bronze vessels collected from surrounding archaeological sites.






The Azadi Hotel is charming and beautiful. The cost is about 480,000 rials per night. Phone: 07412221497

The Esef Hotel is located on the main road and has a fully functional heating system. It costs about 280,000 rials per night.


Next stop

Tourists can share taxisIsfahan, The cost is about 80,000 riyals.

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