Dangerous animal - 危險動物

This article introduces large animals, small animals, and some insects. Any large animal can kill humans, and almost all small animals can cause harm to humans. A cute rabbit has paws and teeth. A big goose may bite people. In 2014, a fisherman in Belarus died of a beaver bite while trying to grab an animal and take a good photo. Some male animals during the mating season and a mother protected by offspring are extremely aggressive. In some cases, even mild domestic animals can be dangerous: horses may kick people if frightened, dogs may bite people if disturbed while feeding, etc. Some species, such as hyenas and wolverines, are known for being grumpy and attacking anything in sight.


Wild animals are more lethal than domesticated animals. Too close to wild animals may cause them to attack you, but most large dogs are not aggressive (as long as you do not make actions that are considered threats by the dog). It is more dangerous to provoke a group of living animals than to provoke a lone animal.

As long as you keep a certain safe distance from the animal, the animal will hardly cause you harm. The safety distance that needs to be maintained in the face of different creatures will be different. But if you are not familiar with the creature trait, keep the distance as far as possible. If you are close enough that the animal's behavior changes completely (or even turns to stare at you), back off immediately.

If you want to take pictures of animals, it is a good choice to buy a telephoto lens so that you can keep a distance from the animals and avoid disturbing them. This is safer and easier to get a good photo.

Risk factors

High-risk areas where wild animals are often seen.

  • Streams and other water bodies, especially in arid regions and seasons. Because animals will come here to replenish water.
  • Farmland, landfills and dumpsters. Animals may come to forage

The time and situation when the animal may be highly aggressive.

  • Desperate
  • In estrus
  • Protect offspring
  • Protect one's food

Alligators and crocodiles

Crocodiles will not hesitate to eat the humans swimming and wading in the streams where they live, so before going into the water, you must know whether there are crocodiles living in this waters.

Although alligators are less aggressive than crocodiles, there are still many incidents of alligators attacking humans.


What to do when you encounter a bear

Food storage and garbage disposal




In countries with insufficient veterinary services, dogs may develop rabies. One bite by them, you will encounter serious trouble. Even some dogs that do not have rabies, offending their territory or getting close while the dog is eating may irritate the dog. And a big dog is likely to hurt you due to excessive enthusiasm (such as leaping on your body).


Elephants are docile herbivores, but their large body makes them dangerous. You may be trampled on, or kicked by an elephant.



In sea water, jellyfish are translucent. Swimmers are difficult to spot, so we strongly recommend avoiding swimming on beaches where jellyfish frequent. If you see a jellyfish stranded on the beach, don't touch it. Even dead jellyfish can still cause harm to people.



Fight between red kangaroos

If you enter the area where kangaroos live, please keep a safe distance from kangaroos as much as possible. If a kangaroo approaches you, use threats to drive away the kangaroo. But don't attack the kangaroo, it will only make the kangaroo see you as a threat. If you are approached by an aggressive kangaroo, keep your distance to protect yourself from kicks or scratches. Pick up sticks or other things for self-defense. Hide behind a fence or tree, as far as possible from the kangaroo. Suddenly turning to escape will only bring you danger, because kangaroos can easily catch up with you. Female kangaroos or juvenile kangaroos are unlikely to pose a threat to humans, but sometimes they can also cause scratches or kicks and pose a safety risk, especially for young children. If you can't get rid of aggressive kangaroos, cover key parts of your body with your hands and try to roll or climb to a safe area.


Among the hundreds of known shark species, only a few can pose a safety threat to humans. However, examples of sharks attacking humans are rare. But sharks are still a serious threat to swimmers. The reason sharks attack you is usually because they see you as a seal, turtle, fish or various other types of prey. Sharks will not deliberately attack humans.

Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of encountering sharks.

  • Swimming near the shore
  • Avoid areas with large numbers of fish, seals, sea lions or dolphins.
  • When you are injured and bleed in the water, you should go ashore immediately.
  • If you find abnormal behavior of fish or other animals, you must go ashore quickly.
  • If you see a shark, get out of the water as quickly and quietly as possible to avoid making noise.


Global venomous snake species

  • Rattlesnake
  • cobra
  • Coral snake
  • black Mamba
  • Tiger snake

Stone fish

Stone fish is a poisonous fish. The spines on the stone fish's back can cause severe pain and poisoning to humans. Sometimes it can be fatal. The appearance of stone fish is very similar to that of stone. You can hardly find them. You can wear sneakers to go to the sea on beaches where stone fish frequent to prevent being stabbed. Stabbed by a rockfish should be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately. Stonefish are found in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. They are a serious hazard in parts of Queensland.


Wild boar





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