Canberra - 堪培拉

CanberraYesAustraliaThe capital of Australia, the seat of Australia’s parliament and government.



Aviation 1a2.svg

Railroad Bahn aus Zusatzzeichen 1024-15 A.png

Private car

Bus Aiga bus trans.svg

Passenger ship


go sightseeing

  • House of ParliamentIntroductionThe new parliament building was opened in 1988. It is very spectacular. It is not open during normal meeting hours. You can enter the building after passing the security check during non-meeting hours.















Note: In 2017, there were some small-scale attacks on Chinese students studying in Canberra. Despite the alarmist headlines in China, there does not seem to be any specific targets for Chinese or Asians, even though low-level crime does occur.

Canberra is a very safe city with one of the lowest crime rates in Australia. However, the usual precautions must be taken to prevent opportunistic crimes. Valuables should not be left in unattended vehicles, especially at night.

Although Canberra is rich on the surface, the people there lead a "hard" life. Especially around Civic, it is not uncommon to be asked for money. This is a well-organized event for tourists and locals: if you simply say that you have no money, beggars (real or fake) usually leave.

Once you leave the citizen, Canberra is quite scattered. For most of the year, the night will become cold and windy quite quickly. Even on other popular or marked sidewalks/bicycle lanes, do not expect adequate lighting. Likewise, when traveling along such a route between city centers or in the bushes, it is impossible to see other people during the entire journey. Have a map and suitable clothes. On a hot day, carry water. For cyclists, in Canberra, there are ways to repair tires, and proper lighting is necessary.

If you go for a bush walk, don't expect a cell phone signal. Especially the rails in the park outside Canberra. If you are walking in these areas, carry an alternative means of communication, such as a personal location beacon, in case you or a member of your party needs help.

Don't swim in the lake (including Lake Bury Griffin) unless you check it online, because low water quality makes it unsafe to do so. Few Canberrans have ever swim in the lake because of algae blooms in summer, but the water quality is now higher than before.

Dead cap mushrooms (Amanita muscaria) are common in the suburbs of Canberra, and eating one type of mushroom can lead to death.

As the "Jungle Capital", you may encounter wild animals, even in urban areas. An oriental grey kangaroo can grow to more than 2 meters tall, which is taller than a tall person, and it can seriously harm you. Don't go too close, especially with a mom with Joey, and admire them from a distance. When driving, especially at night, watch out for kangaroos.

Medical treatment



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