Xinzhou - 忻州

38°24′36″N 112°43′48″E
Map of Xinzhou

Xinzhoulie inShanxi




go sightseeing

Golden Cave Temple
  • Golden Cave TempleIntroductionNational key units
  • Xiangyang SiteIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • Yuan Haowen TombIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • Liansigou CemeteryIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • Xinkou Battle SiteIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • North City Gate TowerIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • Xiurong CollegeIntroductionCultural relics protection unit of Shanxi Province. Founded in the 40th year of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1775), it was the first institution of higher learning in Xinzhou. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was changed to Xinxing School. The academy was the commanding height of Xinzhou City in the old days, and now it can still overlook Xinzhou City.
  • Tombs of JiuyuangangIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit
  • Liansigou Taishan TempleIntroductionShanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Protection Unit







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