Save money travel - 省钱旅行

Save money on travel(Economic travel, travel on a limited budget, Budget travel) refers to reducing the money spent on travel as much as possible. According to different people's understanding of the meaning of travel, the degree of budget reduction varies. You can choose to take a ride and sleep in a tent to save money, or you can just look for a small coupon on the big spend. Either way, it is most important to find a balance between making yourself satisfied with the journey, meaningful and spending as little money as possible. You should also remember that the behavior of saving money should comply with the most basic ethics and legal norms. Don't damage your conscience and reputation or cause unnecessary trouble to the locals because of your behavior. Another way to balance the total book is to find ways to make money on the go, seeWorkTo get more information.

Destination selection

Due to social and economic differences, travel costs vary greatly from country to country. Generally speaking, the more developed countries have more expensive travel prices. In addition to querying the consumer price index, travelers can compare hotel prices between regions through booking websites, or inquire about transportation costs between cities, so that they can have a basic understanding of the country’s travel consumption level. Within the country, the consumption level of each region is also different, and the consumption level may be higher in popular travel cities and scenic spots. When choosing a destination, you should also pay attention to avoiding local long holidays, or avoid large-scale events and festivals that you do not intend to participate in, otherwise you may face the dilemma of not having good accommodation options even if you have money.

In addition to local price levels, long-distance travel should also consider the price of air or train tickets to the local area. The farther you go, the more expensive the transportation price may be. reasonablyPlan your route, Choosing a closer and less popular destination will save a lot of money.



As the most primitive way of travel, the cost of walking is only your worn-out shoes, but in front of modern transportation, walking greatly sacrifices speed. The average person's walking speed is 4-6 kilometers per hour, so walking can replace the drive of less than 10 minutes in the itinerary, and it can also allow you to browse the local scenery in more detail. Before deciding to hike to this destination, check whether the temperature and the weather on the day affect walking, and bring plenty of drinking water. The best way to use your feet is to travel on foot. It is generally suitable for mountainous areas and nature reserves. This method has higher requirements for your physical fitness. After all, hiking means carrying all your belongings.


Bicycles can be a good and cheap way to explore a little bit farther than walking. Some cities have cheap bicycle rental programs managed by the city government. Check before you go, because some services need to be registered in advance. Another advantage of bicycles is that once you have a bicycle, there are almost no operating or repair costs. Even for heavy users, small repairs or occasional oiling of the chain will not exceed one hundred euros per year, while the maintenance cost of a car exceeds two hundred euros per month. In addition, the bicycle is a simple mechanical system, it is easy to master the tricks to repair it, even if you are not a technical expert, all parts outside the frame can be easily replaced and repaired within a few hours. In low-income countries, if you don’t want to do it yourself, the bicycle repair fee is also at a very low price. In many large cities in high-income countries, "do it yourself" or "help each other" bicycle repair shops, tools and experts are provided for free or The cost is low, and you can learn how to do it yourself the next time you repair your bike.

In some countries such as the United States or Australia, the rental car for two people renting a bicycle is much cheaper than the same period. For long-distance trips, buying second-hand bicycles instead of renting them will be much cheaper. Second-hand bicycles can usually be purchased at reasonable prices in bicycle shops, pawn shops and garage shop sales. Sometimes they are even available for free when they are abandoned by others.

In some cases, travelers need to be able to bring a professional bicycle from home, and usually need to remove the handlebars and pedals to load the bicycle into a "bike box" for transportation on intercity buses or railroads. Airlines may or may not accept bicycles. Their exact policies are different and change frequently. You should check with the airline directly.

Although bicycle sharing systems are becoming more and more common, note that not all of them are good choices for tourists, as some require local ID cards or bank accounts as proof of identity. Dockless bike sharing would be a good choice, but in North America, dockless bikes can be quite expensive (membership is $100 per year, $10 per day pass, plus longer rental fees), and It may not be much more convenient than public transportation. In some cities in China or Europe, these dockless bicycle systems have been well funded or financially performed, and the deposits for using them are also very low.

In addition, travel insurance that includes damage to or overpayment of the rental car usually does not cover loss or damage to the bicycles you can rent.

Public transit

Use public transportation (e.g.Urban rail transit) Instead of taxis or other more expensive means of transportation. Some cities even provide some form of free public transportation in the city center. However, in some places, renting for three or four people can be cheaper than taking public transportation.

For public transportation, see if there are multiple tickets. There are some tickets that give you unlimited access to public transportation for a period of time, but it is not always cost-effective. The company usually designs a fare that is just as much as most people need.

Even domestic and international rail and bus networks may have discounted tickets for travel for a month or a few months. You should also check what discounts you are eligible for: Western Europe often offers package discount programs for people under 26, and there are youth discount cards available in the UK. Many countries offer preferential programs for students, pensioners and people with disabilities. More and more operators sell 25% or 50% discount cards for all or certain types of travel. Although most of them have a minimum validity period of one year, sometimes they can get some special discounts for short-term cards at a cheap price. Most discount cards also offer discounts at the beginning or end of a journey at the airport in their country, or for travel across one or more borders.

Local transportation is usually much cheaper than fast or long-distance transportation. In some European countries, intra-city traffic covers overlapping suburban areas. Changing between them often provides cheaper transportation than city tours. In a country like Japan, if you have time to connect slowly, then the local train is much cheaper. However, early bird fares (if available) for long-distance fast transportation (such as trains) may sometimes be the cheapest option. However, this brings the disadvantage of limited flexibility (they may be restricted to certain days or working days) and it is often impossible to refund.

Intercity bus

No matter where you are, buses are often the cheapest option. In some places, they are the only alternative to private cars. Although this was an exception in the past in Europe, but then in Germany and France, the relaxation of market access for intercity buses allows you to benefit from price wars between different companies. Once again, it should be emphasized that the key to low prices is to book early. Sometimes changing between two different companies is much cheaper than buying the entire route from one operator, but you naturally have to bear the loss of the subsequent trip if the long-distance bus is delayed.


Generally speaking, the money spent on accommodation is positively related to the quality of your accommodation. However, it is perfectly feasible to save a considerable sum of money on accommodation.

For those who like to get close to the wild, sleeping in a tent is one of the most intimate ways to get in touch with the earth. Open the tent, the outside is nature. Setting up a tent means that you have to carry an extra burden in your luggage, and it is usually accompanied by your own cooking. In cities, the practice of putting up tents seems not so feasible. A more realistic example is Japan's Nojuku. The people in Nojuku are usually unemployed. Sleeping on the street is another option without any cost. However, there are also many problems: local public security laws and regulations may not allow it; their own money and even personal safety cannot be guaranteed; and the temperature or bad weather that drops sharply at night. If you have a rental car, sleeping in your own car seems a little safer, but check whether it violates local laws. Finally, there is a free accommodation method that sounds like no crime is hospitality exchange. Of course, this operation requires just the right time and space, and disputes between the two parties are not easy to resolve.

The less expensive accommodation options are hostels or homestays. The Youth Hostel is suitable for traveling alone. Each traveler has his own bed and locker in the large dormitory. You can make friends from all over the world, and the safety risk is relatively low. If there is a large group outing, renting a homestay can have a not small common space, and you can get close to the living areas of the locals.

If you travel long distances, consider using the night time to take a train or bus that runs at night.


If you want to eat cheaply, avoid restaurants near sightseeing spots and go deep into restaurants haunted by local citizens. In big cities, supermarkets and convenience stores are very easy to find, hygienic, and fixed-cost dining venues. In the evening, they even sell cooked food that is about to expire, making them a good place for late-night snacks. For small cities, enter the local market to find fresh and cheap ingredients. Therefore, when looking for accommodation, look for rooms that are not the cheapest, but with kitchens. Chain restaurants are another option for you, although they may not have so many local specialties. The more extreme way to save money is to bring your own dry food, or eat instant noodles to satisfy your hunger.

Sightseeing and activities

Look for free sightseeing settings, such as parks, public museums, or streetscapes. Remember to bring your student ID and other documents that may be discounted when you travel.


As with food, it is cheaper to avoid places with tourists and go to the local market to buy things, except for duty-free shops, of course. When shopping in a foreign country, you may wish to pay attention to the issue of your credit card and currency conversion fees. Try to use your country's credit card organization, or choose Alipay and other ways to use your national currency to pay.

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