Flower - 花中

Tip: The subject of this entry is notCentral China

In the flowerlie inTaiwanHualien CountyCentral.


0°0′0″N 0°0′0″E
Map of Flowers

The Huazhong area is not only the seat of the Ami people, but also Hakka settlements there; therefore, the Huazhong area can be said to be a culturally important place.

  • 1 Fenglin Town
  • 2 Guangfu Township: There are many famous Taiwanese baseball players from their hometowns.
  • 3 Fengbin Township: The sights are all along the Pacific coast. In addition to enjoying the leisure of the East Coast, it is very suitable for enjoying the roaming life here.
  • 4 Wanrong Township

Other destinations

Next stop

  • Huabei It is the seat of the county government and an important hub for shipping and air transportation in Hualien County; well-known at home and abroadTaroko GorgeHere too.
  • Huanan In addition to the fun of white water rafting, hot springs and famous tea, visitors can also enjoy thousands of years of prehistoric sites here.
This area entry is aOuter layer area. It overlaps with other areas in the geographic hierarchy.